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akční / dobrodružný / drama / romantický / thriller / válečný, USA, , 63 min.

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DESPERATE SPIES! DANGEROUS WOMEN! (original poster-all caps)
When nurse Mona Jackson witnesses a gangland murder at the hospital where she works, gang boss Bugsy Nelson kidnaps her. After rechristening her "Mona Smith," Bugsy ships her via freighter to a country rich in chromite deposits needed for national defense. Upon her arrival, Mona is entrusted to Blossom Donovan, Bugsy's old sweetheart, who was forced to flee the country after being framed for murder. Blossom, the proprietor of a dance hall, considers it her patriotic duty to entertain the miners who are boring through the mountain in search of chromite. The men in charge of the mining operation are no-nonsense engineer Dan O'Driscoll and Chick, his romantically inclined brother. Chick and Dan meet Mona at Blossom's one night when Dan comes to enforce a curfew on his men and mistakes Mona for one of Blossom's girls. Smitten by Mona, Chick begins to spend his days with her. When Dan accuses his brother of allowing Mona to interfere with his work, Chick replies that he plans to marry her, prompting Dan to offer Mona money to leave town. Offended, Mona slaps him. One day, a worker's leg is broken in an accident. When Doc Stone, the town physician, proves too drunk to operate, Mona sets the man's leg and Dan offers her a job administering first aid, but she rejects him. A series of mysterious accidents have been plaguing the project, and when one of the dynamite trucks unexpectedly explodes, Dan sends Chick and Parks, one of the borers, to a distant outpost for more supplies. In reality, the accidents have been caused by John Black and Brown, saboteurs masquerading as miners. On their trip home, Chick and Parks are ambushed by Black and Brown, and Parks is killed and Chick wounded. Forging on to headquarters, Chick stumbles into the mine office and collapses in Dan's arms. After Mona saves Chick's life and nurses him back to health, Dan revises his opinion of her and invites her dancing to apologize. As Dan and Mona dance, Blossom goes into her office, turns on the radio and hears a news bulletin announcing Bugsy's death. At the mine, meanwhile, Brown and Black are rigging a detonation for later that night when the foreman interrupts them and they shoot him. While Mona walks Dan home from the dance, she confides that she is not in love with Chick, and Dan kisses her. Chick sees them embracing on the porch and tells Mona that Dan was only testing her sincerity. Blossom then bursts in with the news of Bugsy's demise, and Mona, feeling betrayed by Dan, runs out of the house. Soon after, the wounded foreman arrives to warn of the impending sabotage. He is too late, however, and the entire side of the mountain explodes. Upon learning of Black's duplicity, Dan hurries to mine headquarters to confront him. In the ensuing fight, Black shoots Dan, but Dan finally overpowers him and then collapses. After Dan is rushed to the hospital, he and Chick reconcile, and word comes that the explosion has uncovered a rich deposit of chromite. As Mona bends over to extract the bullet from Dan, he proposes to her and she kisses him.
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