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drama / krimi / mysteriozní, USA, , 96 min.
A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Grimacing Governor

Herci: , , , , , více...

Perry's secretary Della and private investigator/lawyer Ken go to visit an old friend, rancher and famous lawyer, "Wild" Bill McKenzie. Meanwhile Governor Harlan Richards is murdered and his daughter, Karen, thinks that Harlan's replacement Ryan Allison has something to do with her father death. But Ryan has had suspicions about the death and thinks that it involves somebody that is close to him. He calls Karen but when she gets there Ryan is dead and Karen framed for the crime. Bill, as a friend of the Richards family, starts to investigate and Ken and Della is only too willing to help. This was made after Raymond Burr sadly passed away...
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Komentář k filmu jsem fanda tohohle seroše... ten díl byl na yt v dost strašné kvalitě... ten blb co to tam nahrál si stoup s kamerou před bednu a točil a pak to vrz na yt jestli to tam ještě je nevim... nejhezčí na tom dílu byl ten indiánskej šerif s havraníma vlasama (pato hoffmann - herec) toho bych si dal několikrát denně a to jsem chlap... :-D :-* :thumbsup:
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