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komedie / drama, USA, , 72 min.

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Banker Henry Wilton is pleased to be returning to his young second wife, Emmy and his two children, Peggy and Eddie, after spending a year in Europe on national business. To his dismay, there is no one to meet him at the station except his valet. Everyone in his family is busy with their own plans. To make matters worse, Emmy has redecorated his room and thrown out his comfortable old chair. When, after several days, he still hasn't managed to have an evening alone with his family, Henry asks his valet why the poor have such a rich family life and learns that the poor can't afford to go out every night. This inspires Henry to announce that he is ruined. Everyone gives up their plans for the evening, and the family enjoys their time together. When Partington, a business rival who has cheated Henry, learns that Henry is broke, he assumes the stock he holds has lost its value and tries to get rid of it as soon as possible. Henry is able to purchase it at a very low price through a third party. Having revenged himself, Henry reveals to his family that he is not ruined after all. He is delighted to learn that Peggy will not marry priggish George Struthers for his money as she had planned, but will marry Larry Rivers for love. Eddie happily announces that he has gotten a job. Then Henry receives a note from Emmy that leads him to believe she has left him because he is no longer rich. He soon learns, however, that Emmy merely sold her jewelry in order to help him out of his financial difficulties. Now that everyone knows they are still rich, Emmy wonders why they had so much fun when they were poor and Henry reminds her that the poor can't afford to go out every night.
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Web: IMDB, Titulky    Videotéka: přidat si do ní film

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