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hudební / drama / romantický, Indie, , 152 min.

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Love Makes Life Live
Rahul (Rahul Roy) and Anu Verghese (Anu Aggarwal) meet on the same day, while both are held by the police on charges of creating a disturbance, and running away respectively. Rahul is angry with his dad for marrying a second time, while his first wife is still alive; and Anu ran away from an oppressive girls' hostel run by Arnie Campbell (Tom Alter). They meet again, and love happens. Rahul helps Anu to be independent, and seek a job. Then Anu is discovered by a talent agent to be a model, which she accepts. Rahul wants to marry Anu, but first must establish himself. He does establish himself as a singer, but is under the impression that Anu helped him with his career, his ego is hurt, and he is resentful against Anu. Anu then decides to better her career she must re-locate to Paris, France. Is this how their love will end?
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Web: IMDB, Titulky    Videotéka: přidat si do ní film

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