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dobrodružný / drama / romantický, USA, , 141 min.

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Ocenění: 1936, Oskar, Nejlepší hudba, Erich Wolfgang Korngold , Leo Forbstein
1936, Oskar, Nejlepší kamera, Tony Gaudio
1936, Oskar, Nejlepší ženský herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli, Gale Sondergaardová
1936, Nominace na Oskara, Nejlepší film

In late 18th century Italy, a beautiful young woman finds herself married to a rich but cruel older man. However, she is in love with another, younger man. When the husband finds out, he kills the lover in a swordfight, and takes his wife on a long trip throughout Europe. Months later, she dies giving birth to a son. The husband leaves the child at a convent, where he is raised until the age of 10; then he is apprenticed to a local merchant, who gives him the name Anthony Adverse because of the adversity in his life. But his adversity has only begun, as fate takes him to Cuba, Africa, and Paris.
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Komentář k filmu Kociarova scena v zasnezenych horach. Uz len preto davam vysokych 80 %
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Web: IMDB, Titulky    Videotéka: přidat si do ní film

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