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drama, USA, , 105 min.

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John Finley Horton, a white Southern newspaperman, darkens his skin and begins to live as a black while writing a series of magazine articles about his experiences. Horton has a number of harrowing encounters, both with whites and blacks, as he travels from town to town in his disguise. His treatment brings him close to hysteria, and he seeks temporary refuge with some white friends before resuming his masquerade. One of Horton's last encounters is with black Frank Newcomb and his son Tom. Frank believes integration will be accomplished only through love, but Tom feels differently and is cynical about Horton's articles and outraged when he learns that Horton is really white. It is pointed out that Horton, unlike a real Negro, can always shed his blackness. Horton returns to his own world unsure if his articles had any beneficial effect, but with the satisfaction of having told the story.
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