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komedie, USA, , 72 min.

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On the day of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead's wedding anniversary, Dagwood, a bumbling draftsman at George Radcliffe's construction company, meets with bank president Samuel Breckenbridge to discuss plans for construction of a new hospital. In the hopes of winning the lucrative building contract, Radcliffe befriends Gloria Stafford, Breckenbridge's secretary, and offers to repair her broken wristwatch. Dagwood takes Gloria's watch home and plans to exchange it for a new one the following morning, but when Blondie sees it, she believes that it is Dagwood's anniversary gift to her. Dagwood decides to keep the truth from Blondie, and takes out a loan from a loan shark to buy a replacement watch for Gloria. The following day, Gloria discovers that her "repaired" watch has been substituted with a fake, and tells her boss about the switch. When Radcliffe learns that the watch Dagwood gave Gloria is a fake, he fires Dagwood. One week later, Dagwood, unable to find another job, finally tells Blondie the truth about the watch. Blondie returns the watch to Radcliffe, after which Radcliffe delivers it to Gloria and makes amends with the secretary. Some time later, Gloria visits Burley and Dalton, heads of a corrupt construction company that is also vying for the hospital contract, and suggests that the men hire the unemployed Dagwood. Unaware that Burley and Dalton plan to build the hospital using cheap and inferior materials, Dagwood accepts their job offer and gets to work designing the new hospital. One night, while working late in his office, Dagwood overhears his new employers discussing their scheme and their plans to kill Dagwood if he interferes. Dagwood races home and tells Blondie of the scheme, and then returns to the office to resign. When Dagwood threatens to expose Burley and Dalton's scheme, they keep him from spoiling their plans by gagging him and planting his feet in a box of wet concrete. While Dagwood struggles to free himself, Blondie successfully stops Breckinbridge from awarding the loan to Burley and Dalton. Dagwood arrives at Breckenbridge's office in time to produce written proof of Burley and Dalton's scheme, and, as a reward for his hard work, Breckenbridge reinstates him.
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