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akční / horor / western, USA, , 92 min.

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The dead have no borders.
In an attempt to provide a better life for her mentally challenged brother Hugo, who accompanies her, a beautiful Mexican woman named Christina braves the perilous dangers of penetrating the US/Mexico border. A gruesome, cannibalistic encounter with a fellow immigrant leaves Hugo injured and scared. Following the advice from a kind-hearted coyote, Christina & Hugo sprint through the Sonoran desert in attempt to flee the menacing intentions of his gritty partner. Success is short lived as the air is pierced by the sound of pulse-pounding howls from a seemingly undead creature whose pursuit is fueled by an insatiable lust. Herding Hugo forward, Christina dares another look in the direction of the monster. Despite its utter gruesomeness, What is this creature and why does it seem so familiar? wonders Christina. The monsters face is covered in chunky, bloody gore. Its belligerent screams echo through the thicket of cat claws and ocotillo as its sniffs out its prey. The pursuit continues as Hugo stumbles on the trail and whimpers in pain from the bite on his arm. He slowly sticks his finger deep into the wound emerging from his arm and pulls out a long slimy chunk of tissue, which unfortunately was serving as a plug. A steady stream of black blood begins to pool and pour out of his arm. Hugo lets out a scream as Christina grabs her brother, looks deep into his eyes and pleads, Hugo, you have to get up and run! Please Hugo, run! Run for me now! Hugo snaps out of it and begins to run, as fast as he can. They can hear the taunting, gurgling screams of the beast quickly approaching. Hugo sees an opening in the brush directly ahead and runs balls out in the hope of salvation. He stops on a dime and Christina, on Hugos heels and unable to see ahead, runs directly onto the road and into the hands of fate. A brown 77 Ford LTD comes to a screeching halt as Christinas hands slam onto its hood. Two unassuming men in the front seat eye the beautiful Mexican whom they almost smashed. The man in the passenger seat shares a long glance with Christina before she exhaustively collapses onto the hood of the car. The front passenger door of the LTD closes just before the tires speed down the dirt road. As Christina regains consciousness, she finds herself in the backseat of the car alongside a stranger and her brother, Hugo. The names Pat says the man behind the wheel and this is my brother, Garrett motioning to the fellow in the passenger seat. Him between yall there is Frank. Pat, Garrett and their cocky protégé, Frank, are professional hit-men on their way home from the successful completion of a job in Mexico. After much discussion and obscure observation of Hugos wound, the brothers decide to take the Illegals to some friends in the nearby town of Bisbee, AZ. Discreet medical attention and trusted refuge at a friendly safe-house sounds like the best course of action. The streets of Bisbee are eerily quiet and no one is answering the phone at the house. The hose is on, the teapot is whistling and the shower is running. Where is everyone? Sounds from the back bedroom beg Garretts attention and there he finds Lizzy, the daughter of his friends, Sue & Sam, who own the house. There she is, in the corner chowing down on a snack. Lizzy, is that you? I need you to turn around right now. Lizzy turns and stares at Garrett with ghostly eyes; shes covered in blood, with her neck ripped out, chewing on one of the fingers from her mothers hand. As he takes his shot, a scream rips through the air from the next room. Pat runs in to find a bloody man attacking a woman hiding in the corner. As the bullet penetrates the mans head, he realizes that this fella was already dead. Lets get the hell outta here! Escape does not come easy as at every turn they are met with innumerable, inexhaustible creatures of the undead. Up here! Get over to the gate! From the second story of an old hotel, a woman points to a black rod iron gate that leads to a small bridge and over to the same building. Holed up inside are several townsfolk including local border patrol agents, some of whom have also been bitten and are showing signs of serious distress. The surmounting number of zombies hoarding outside continues to escalate with no sign of relief. Observations of the zombies reveal symptoms which imply the possibility of the town's water supply having been contaminated with the MDPV formula otherwise known as 'bath salts'. As time passes and tension escalates, heated arguments ensue between border patrol agent & illegal immigrant inspired by the controversial issue, AZ's SB1070. The safety of the group is compromised when one of the townsfolk is consumed by hatred & retaliation as a result of an unavoidable murder. As these 'bath salt' zombies invade the hotel, the group realizes that if they wanna survive the night and escape the town, their only chance is to split up, use their wits and a whole lotta firepower. Players may change but the game stays the same as some get bitten and others fall behind. Gruesome creatures and excessively gory death scenes begin to spill out of the dark shadows and follow the pursuits of our characters. Two of the others find refuge in flight after a grueling encounter with our forgotten fallen villain. On the other side of town, the resilient brothers have used their skills of survival to shoot their way out as they escape their bloody night on the. . . Bloody Border.
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