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horor / mysteriozní / thriller, USA, , 90 min.

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Store Your Fear Here
Sister Gracie Rose lives in an isolated farming community and rarely socializes. One Friday she makes the decision to confront the haunts of her past and visit a former lover in a distant city. In exchange for a reliable vehicle Gracie agrees to grab an item from a friend's storage unit located in an along-the-way river town. The antiquated building's first floor has been renovated into a modern storage facility with surveillance cameras and electronic security, and when a locked door won't accept her pass code Gracie finds no other options for exit. For the next 14 hours she will have to use every ounce of courage and wit to survive the psychopathic nightmare which follows.
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Web: IMDB, Titulky    Videotéka: přidat si do ní film

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