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western, USA, , 59 min.

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Rancher Andrew Collins, his sister Sarah and daughter Doris arrive in the West by train. When the train is stopped, bombed and apparently held up, cowboy Blaze Howell prevents the Collinses from being kidnapped, only to find out the event was a mock robbery arranged by Collins and his ranch foreman, Park Owens, as an exciting welcome for Doris. To everyone's surprise, however, the safe actually was robbed and the messenger killed, and Blaze becomes the prime suspect. Owens secretly planned the robbery with his gang in order to replace money he had stolen from the Collins safe, but none of his gang admits to having the stolen money. Confident of Blaze's innocence, Doris defends him to her father, but later loses faith in him after her father discovers his safe has been robbed and Blaze's glove is found nearby. Later, Blaze finds the Collins' accountant, Smithers, hiding the stolen money in an abandoned hacienda. Smithers confesses that the express box fell on his head during the explosion on the train, and he was afraid he would be arrested if he turned it in. Blaze and Smithers plot to entrap the real robber. Later, Blaze attends Doris' party in an identical costume to Owens', and tricks Owens into believing that his cohort, Red, hid the money in the hacienda. He then tells Red that Owens is headed for the hacienda. Collins tries to corner Owens with proof that he stole money from his safe to buy his own ranch, but Owens knocks him out and escapes. Doris believes Blaze is responsible for her father's injury, but when Collins revives, he reveals that Owens is responsible, and with renewed faith in Blaze, Doris drives out to the hacienda with Smithers. After Owens kills Red and takes the money, he steals Doris's car, but with the help of his horse, "Tarzan," Blaze captures Owens and retrieves the money. Blaze is cleared of all crimes, and Doris persuades him to stay around.
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