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drama, USA, , 75 min.

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A smashing indictment of parental prudery!
Lillian Stevens and her cousin, Ruth, return home from college and Lillian receives a cold reception from her too-busy-to-bother parents; her father, Dr. Richard Stevens, is a professional reformer and has a radio broadcast to make, and her mother, Alice, is planning a bridge party and sends Lillian off to her cousin's home for dinner. But Margie, a school friend, telephones Ruth to invite her to go night-clubbing with two boys. Ruth declines but Lillian hops on board. She meets Gerald Winthrop. She falls for Gerald Winthrop. Gerald skids his car into a deep rut. Gerald says he can't move the car and, since it is raining, they should seek shelter in a nearby motel/tourist court. They do...and stay all night. But Gerald is something of a cad and a bounder, and he soon takes up with Ruth. The fickle Gerald soon proposes to Ruth. This is about the time that Lillian discovers has left her with impending-child. This is not a good situation.
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