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komedie, USA, , 70 min.

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Doris Poole, orphaned daughter of traveling actors, is adopted by four members of the company and a newspaper reporter, Peter O'Brien. In 1926 the "family" settles in San Francisco, and Betty becomes the ingenue of a stock company. She falls in love with Ted Potter, a taxicab driver (in reality the son of Anastasia Potter, a wealthy and domineering businesswoman) who is working on a novel. Anastasia, opposed to her son's attachment to a common actress, investigates the girl's past and uncovers information about her father's execution for murdering his wife. To outwit her, the five "fathers" urge Ted to accept a position in the Orient his mother has offered him, and they secretly book passage on the same steamer for Betty; the lovers are thus happily united, and Anastasia, realizing her defeat, sends her blessing.
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