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drama, Portugalsko/Francie, , 115 min.

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On the outskirts of Paris, in a housing project, a gang of youths fight with cops. A teenager is killed. From then on, everything happens fast. The boy was Portuguese. The Portuguese community in France never talks. Silence is its rule. But Cidalia wants to know: she wants the truth. She is 36 years of age. A cleaning woman. As she pursues her crusade, her battle for change, the community turns against her. "This is France", they say, "We are not at home here. We want no trouble." Faced with the blank wall of collective embarrassment, Cidalia won't keep quiet. She is ostracized. She loses friends, job, family. But one thing she gains: a life of her own.
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Web: IMDB, Titulky    Videotéka: přidat si do ní film

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