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komedie, Kanada, , 60 min.

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Comedy taking place in Toronto circa 1964 about a CBC variety show called "It's Ruby and Kip" which stars married/divorced/re-married TV couple Kip Delaney, and Ruby Kendall (played by real-life husband and wife Colin Mochrie and Debra McGrath). The show was once the number one rated show in Canada, but has slipped hard in the ratings as of recent, and their producer wants the show to tank the whole way. Ruby is the focal point of the show, while Kip is merely the piano player (making them essentially a 1960s Canadian 'Captain and Tenille'). Add to it their squabbling when off the camera (while trying to maintain a positive image ON camera), and the problems others involved with the show have, and you have for one good time.
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