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komedie / drama, , 90 min.

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Angela, Emma, Nikki and Patti are high school seniors and best friends who are, on the surface, as different from one another as can be. Black and white, middle and lower class, destined to graduate and go their separate ways. But as the girls' senior year comes to a close, they discover that there are things they share that are much stronger than any differences they might have. As the story begins, the girls' world is shattered by an event that leads them into a soul-searching debate about friendship, victimization and solidarity. From this time on, their lives will never be the same. The everyday dramas of high school life are now joined by a whirlwind of events that come as just as much of a surprise to the girls themselves as they do to the world around them. Whatever the inspiration of their actions, the result is certain: fear, confusion, excitement and empowerment for a group of young girls whose greatest concern just last month was getting the school paper out on time.
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