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drama, USA, , 70 min.

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Song-and-dance man Charles Edward Keene (Good Time Charley) is bereft when his wife, Elaine, dies as a result of a fall incurred trying to evade the advances of Hartwell, her manager. Years later, his daughter, Rosita, becomes an overnight sensation as a result of her cafe act under Hartwell's management, and Charley is given a bit part in the show at her request. Hartwell, Jr., asks his father's permission to marry Rosita; and when refused, the couple elope, causing Hartwell to dismiss Charley, who is losing his sight and cannot afford eye surgery. Bill Collins, the prop man, mortgages his interest in a theater to get the money for Charley; and disappointed when Charley gives it to the newlyweds, Bill tells him who is responsible for his wife's death. In a rage, Charley shoots at Hartwell's reflection, thinking he has killed him. Rosita is abandoned by Jack, who loses confidence in her, and Charley and Bill are forced to live in an actor's home; but on Christmas Eve, Rosita visits the home with a troupe and is reunited with her father.
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