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drama, USA, , 56 min.

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Irish policeman Tom O'Hara is killed by a thief in Sol Bloom's antique store, but before he dies, he asks widower Sol to take care of his son Shandy, who will be arriving soon from Europe. Sol's own son Joey is streetwise and uncontrollable, although Sol has reared him lovingly. Sol adopts Shandy and treats him like his own son, and Shandy reciprocates with love and helpfulness. Shandy looks after Joey, who is continually getting into trouble. When Joey steals a dollar from his father's cash register, Shandy pawns the harp his mother gave him to replace the money so Joey will not get into trouble. When Joey breaks a neighbor's window, Shandy offers to pay the owner ten dollars so he will not tell Sol, however he is unable to get his harp back because it has been sold. Desperate, Shandy asks the new owner to lend it to him, and then steals it when the owner refuses. He wins a ten dollar prize performing in an amateur night contest, but is so guilt-ridden about having stolen the harp that he wanders aimlessly in the rain. Shandy takes ill and is brought home by a policeman. Joey reforms and prays for Shandy's recovery. Joey's improvement bolsters Shandy, who recovers, and the harp's owner returns the harp to Shandy.
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