akční /
drama, USA,
68 min.Režie:
Arthur LubinHerci:
John Wayne,
Gwen Gaze,
Don Barclay,
Pat Somerset,
Charles Brokaw,
více...In London, Bob Adams and Elmer "Slug" Davis, successful newsreel men, are assigned by Atlas Newsreel to the British protectorate of Samari near the Iraq border to photograph the legendary and elusive Arab leader Muffadhi. With the help of his pet monkey, "Wide Angle," Bob meets Pamela Howard on the airplane to Damascus. She is traveling to Samari to stay with her uncle, Colonel Hugh Armitage, and her fiancé, Captain Archie Calvert. Bob's younger brother Don also arrives in Damascus, having quit medical school to become a newsreel man. Bob is disappointed by Don's decision, and they argue. When Archie is sent on an important mission, Bob follows him, eluding the other local newsreel men. Archie, however, confiscates Bob's film and tries to take the passes of all the reporters, but Bob sneaks out before losing his. Phillips, the head of Atlas' London office, wires Bob to give Don a job. Before learning of this, Don helps Graham and Parker, gunrunners who are masquerading as newsreel men, reach Muffadhi's camp by stealing Bob's pass. During a moonlight walk, the romance between Pamela and Bob becomes serious, and Archie sadly ends the engagement. Archie informs Bob that because of Don's actions the previous night, he is suspected of gunrunning. Later, Bob finds a microphone planted in his room that leads to a local innkeeper. Archie's men find Graham and Parker dead; without passes, they were no longer useful to Muffadhi's men. The innkeeper lures Bob and Elmer to an Arab camp, where he reveals that he is Muffadhi. Muffadhi announces his plans to attack the English and allows himself to be photographed. After the revolutionaries have left camp, Bob and Elmer escape in their sound truck and are wounded during a harrowing drive through the desert. They arrive back in Samari half dead. Phillips is waiting for them and immediately develops their film, which contains Bob's warning of the peril awaiting the British. The troops are besieged in the rocks by Muffadhi's men, but as Muffadhi charges, airplanes bomb the Arabs and kill Muffadhi. Elmer, Don, Pamela and Phillips are happily reunited in the hospital where Bob is recovering from his wounds.
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