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komedie / romantický / hudební, USA, , 97 min.

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While sneaking out of her uncle's house in Southern France, reluctant opera student Annette Manard falls on top of Jonathan Street, an aspiring American composer visiting from Paris, who then escorts her to a carnival. The next morning, Jonathan awakens to discover that, during the previous night's revelry, he married Annette in a drunken stupor. Undaunted by her husband's panic, Annette convinces him to take her to Paris and quickly wins his sincere love. Soon after, Jonathan overhears Annette singing to a boy on a merry-go-round and encourages her to pursue a singing career. While he works as a tour guide to make financial ends meet, Annette takes a job as a cabaret singer. Frustrated by his inability to sell his opera,
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Web: IMDB, Titulky    Videotéka: přidat si do ní film

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