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krimi / drama / romantický, USA, , 68 min.

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...and we'll predict the looniest laughing jag you've ever had...when this wacky Swami goes balmy about a gal!
Russ Matthews and Al Tinker are theatrical agents whose clientele is made up of second-rate acts. However, one client, Dr. Fothergill, "The Master Mind," has promise if only his predictions could be proven accurate. Russ hires Louis, a professional burglar, to steal the famous Sultana Pearl. Then, Russ arranges a press conference for Fothergill to announce the whereabouts of the gem. However, Fothergill arrives drunk, and Russ dons a magician's costume and poses as the Master Mind, who then tells the police where to find the jewel. Then, Russ stages a horse-race hoax. Cindy Wilson, a reporter for the
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