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komedie, USA, , 80 min.

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When the manager of the Brooklyn baseball team quits, team owner Mrs. "Mac" McAvoy decides to hire Frank Maguire as his replacement, despite the warnings of her talent scout, Sam Sloan. Seven years before, Frank was Brooklyn's shortstop, but after a mistake he made during play cost the team the pennant, he left town. Mrs. Mac believes that Frank is a great judge of the game, however, and knows that he was run out of town partially because of adverse publicity created by vitriolic sports columnist Danny Mitchell. Mrs. Mac finds Frank coaching in a small town, and in spite of his remaining bitterness, he agrees to return to Brooklyn for her sake. When he arrives home though, he learns that Mrs. Mac has suffered a fatal heart attack, and that her heirs, including her neice, Kathryn Baker, want to sell the team. Frank's persistence finally wins Kathryn over, and she agrees to let him have a chance to build up the team. While new players are recruited and the team begins winning, Frank and Kathryn begin dating. Frank and the devoted Brooklyn fans cheer each other on, and Frank tries to ignore the jabs of the always present and still vindictive Mitchell. One evening, things begin to turn sour for Frank when he forgets a date with Kathryn, and she, fed up with his devotion to baseball, breaks off their relationship. That same night, Mitchell's column features an unfounded attack on Frank's new pitcher, Roy Collins, who goes by the name Anderson so that his disapproving father will not find out he is playing ball. Roy takes the criticism to heart even though Frank tells him to disregard it, knowing how Mitchell's sly digs had undermined his own self-confidence. Roy falters during the next day's game, and the team quickly becomes dispirited as they begin losing games. With Mitchell fueling the fire, the team decides to dump Frank, and they petition the owners to fire him. When he learns of their action, Frank quits, but Kathryn, who has had a change of heart, urges him to keep fighting. Frank does decide to stay and fires up the team with a pep talk. During the next game, Frank starts another pitcher, O'Hara, instead of Roy, but feels badly about displaying a lack of faith in Roy. During the last inning, O'Hara tires, and with two outs and the bases full, Frank is forced to send in Roy. Roy appears to choke at first, but pulls through and strikes out the last batter. Brooklyn goes on to win the pennant and Frank persuades Kathryn to resume seeing him.
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