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drama, USA, , 70 min.

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Laddie Stanton, the proud son of an honest farmer, falls in love with Pamela Pryor, the daughter of the Englishman who has purchased the adjoining estate. Pamela's father, a haughty and morose man who is obsessed by the dishonorable discharge his son Robert received from the British army, disapproves of the match, forbidding any marriage between his daughter and a "field hand." To placate her father, Pamela begs Laddie to consider practicing a profession other than farming, thus insulting both Laddie and his family. However, Laddie's young sister, who is known as Sister, invisions Pamela as a princess and decides to reconcile the lovers and Mr. Pryor. Her opportunity presents itself when Pryor's disgraced son Robert comes to visit and falls ill. Disowned by his father, Robert seeks refuge with the Stantons, and is cared for by them. While in the woods hunting, Sister sees Mr. Pryor and blurts out the news of his son's arrival. Furious, Mr. Pryor rushes to confront Mrs. Stanton, who assuages his anger with the story of the prodigal son. Robert's illness and Mrs. Stanton's words of wisdom cause Pryor to forgive Robert and accept Laddie, and after Pamela apologizes to Laddie for denegrating the honest profession of farming, the lovers are reconciled.
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