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komedie, USA, , 67 min.

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When an oil company takes options on her Glen Falls farm, suspecting that it houses a fortune in petroleum, hillbilly Judy Crocker comes into more money than she knows what to do with. After buying her aunt and uncle an autocamp in Cedarview, Judy boards a train back to Glen Falls to get more "chicken feed." Also onboard the train are confidence men J. Huntington McMasters and Canada Brown. At the Glen Falls station, Judy is met by her mother, Maw Crocker, her brother Jeb and their new Rolls Royce. Deciding that Judy is a choice prospect for fleecing, McMasters and Brown drive out to the Crocker farm and introduce themselves as owners of a shoe company that is hoping to interest Judy in investing in plastic shoes. Upon discovering that Judy hates wearing shoes, McMasters and Brown announce that they are producers at Acme Pictures and offer Judy the starring role in their new film,
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