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drama, USA, , 64 min.

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A group of stuntmen at one studio in Hollywood call themselves "Lucky Devils," and regularly chant "A stuntman makes a bad husband and a husband makes a bad stuntman." It rings true when Slugger Jones is killed doing his last stunt right after his marriage. Skipper Clark and Bob Hughes prevent a down-and-out girl, Fran, from committing suicide, and help her get an acting job at the studio. Romance follows, with Skipper marrying Fran, but with the understanding he'll continue doing his stuntwork. But Skipper freezes during a stunt when the frantic Fran signals him to stop, and his friend Bob is nearly killed. This washes Skipper up in the stunt business, so he takes a job on the labor crew, shooting on location, and leaving the pregnant Fran in the care of a cheap doctor. When he gets a wire from the doctor telling him Fran must be sent to a hospital, he decides to do a dangerous stunt the other stuntmen refuse, going over a 30-foot waterfall in a rowboat, for the $200 needed for the hospital.
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