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mysteriozní / sci-fi / thriller / fantasy, USA, , 25 min., od 13 let

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With a help of his wife's advanced scientific machine, a father risks his life to enter the mind of their daughter and discover mystery of her comatose.
The Ashford family lost their oldest daughter (Kate) in a car accident. Their younger daughter (Sarah) was in shock over the loss of her sister but her injuries have succumbed her to a coma ever since. The mom (Evelyn) who is a brilliant scientist built a machine that can link her husband (Charlie) to Sarah's mind. Charlie will discover that Sarah is stuck in a deceiving fantasy that she created from her sisterly bond with Kate. Sarah believes that Kate is still alive. Charlie has to convince Sarah to get out of this fantasy world before the Machine may malfunction, which would cost them their lives. With all the obstacles and risks that occur when using a prototype Mind Machine, Evelyn also needs to figure how to get both of them to the real world.
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