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drama, USA, , 94 min.

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IF YOU ARE ADULT in every sense of the word...you will understand why...
Among the wealthy socialites living in Mexico City are Katherine Beckman and her half brother, Paul. When Paul hires Steve Corey, an American engineer, to supervise the construction of some mining operations, the promiscuous Katherine lures him to her house for the night. As their affair blossoms into love, Paul becomes so jealous that he arranges for Katherine to see her former lover, Gus Cole. Although Katherine resists Gus's advances, she eventually has too much to drink and Gus forces himself upon her. When she awakens, she attempts to kill herself by slashing her wrists, but Steve arrives in time to save her. During her convalescence she explains to Steve that her behavior is an attempt to compensate for having refused to give herself to her first love, a young soldier killed during World War II. The understanding Steve persuades her to marry him and leave Mexico City. As she returns home to pack, she is confronted by Paul, who confesses his incestuous desires. Shocked by the revelation, she runs out into the night. But Steve finds her and promises her a new life.
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