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drama, USA, , 50 min.

Herci: , , , ,

Kingsley Sherwood, a wealthy drunkard, is unhappily married to a selfish woman whose unfulfilled desire to spend a week alone with her lover, LeRoy Scott, comes to pass when Scott meets her look-a-like, Marion Roche, a young art student newly arrived in New York from a small town in Ohio. Scott convinces Marion to impersonate Mrs. Sherwood after he tells the kind-hearted young woman that Sherwood will not let his wife visit her son in California, and that the Sherwoods rarely see each other, having separate apartments at opposite ends of the house. Scott and Mrs. Sherwood have their tryst at a mountain resort, while Marion's sympathetic nature causes Sherwood to stop drinking. When Marion drops a note from Mrs. Sherwood, Sherwood discovers the truth, but he believes Marion's innocence. After reading that Scott and "a companion" drowned during a storm, Sherwood, in love with Marion, proposes that she remain. She accepts, provided he go away for six months to stop drinking permanently. A handshake then begins their agreement.
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