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western, USA, , 53 min.

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Outside of a small Western town, a branch of the Apache tribe is nearly decimated through repeated conflicts with cowboys searching for gold, and consequently, the only surviving member are women. Although an adopted white woman who has grown up among the Indians is their leader, they are equally determined to keep whites from encroaching farther into their gold-rich region. Unaware of the Indian threat nearby, Easterner Mulvy Potter and his ambitious wife Ruby arrive in the town, where at the local tavern Potter inquires about opening a saloon. Upon overhearing old-timer Pan Tagert speak wistfully of the gold in the mountains near Gold Creek, Potter decides to risk a trip there. Ruby, who has long dreamed of entertaining at her own saloon, initially rejects her husband's plan, but after Potter signs on hired guns Condon and Mike Horton and Tagert as a guide, she agrees. With enough supplies for three months, Potter, Ruby and the others head into the hills, where Condon and Horton plot to steal the Potters' money before they reach dangerous Indian territory. Unknown to the group, they have been followed the first couple of days by two Union Cavalry deserters. When the soldiers approach the Potter camp to ask for food, Potter believes their explanation of being separated from their unit, but Tagert remains suspicious. Uneasy over the soldiers' presence, the next morning Condon tells them to go on their way, but, having overheard Tagert talk of the search for gold, the troopers insist on remaining with the Potters. Condon and Horton announce they will ride ahead to scout, but instead go high into the hills, intending to ambush the soldiers. Unaware that the women natives have been observing the camp all night, Condon and Horton are surprised when the women attack them and Horton is killed. Condon hides until nightfall, when he takes Horton's body on to the Potters' camp. Despite his and Tagert's protests, Ruby decides the soldiers must remain with the group as additional guards. The following day, the women natives follow the Potter group and pick off one of the soldiers, causing the others to panic. Calmed by Tagert, the group reassembles and soon after arrives at Gold Creek where they enthusiastically begin panning for gold. After several hours with no success, Ruby complains about the pointlessness of their journey but is interrupted by Tagert's discovery of gold. The old man's celebrations are cut short when he is struck by an arrow and killed. Although frightened, the survivors decide to remain in the camp, despite hearing the native women's war dance that night. The next day, the Potters, Condon and the soldier find a large supply of gold, but moments later, the remaining soldier is killed by the stalking natives. Potter and Condon move into the hills to attack the women, leaving Ruby to be knifed near the river by a native scout. After burying the victims, Potter tells Condon they must stick together in order to survive. As Potter reflects with sadness that Ruby never realized her dream of owning a saloon, Condon shoots him in the back and takes all the gold bags. While Condon retreats with the gold, Potter, who wears a protective bullet-proof vest, revives and shoots him. Happily retaking all of the gold for himself, Potter intends to return to the town alone, but grows uneasy when he hears the native women nearby. Tentatively going in search of them, Potter circles the camp armed with a gun, but nevertheless is overtaken and killed by the women who then pour the gold back into the river.
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