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drama, Kanada, , 90 min.

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Kicked out of her father's house and hiding from the dope dealer she's ripped off, Jude drags her suitcase along the sidewalks of her Montreal neighbourhood. Confronting danger with optimism, she seeks salvation in the quirky characters she encounters. There is Clarence, the fatherly pedophile who is afraid of his own reflection, Big Al, the pimp who promises Jude rescue from her present circumstances, and Georgie, the hustler who cannot outgrow his tiny tuxedo. But the object of Jude's affection is Gabriel, a young drug addict who is sick from getting a bad tattoo, and is also her sister's boyfriend. Despite the promises of redemption provided by those around her, Jude comes to realize that ultimately she will have to rely on her own strength and ingenuity.
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