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akční, USA, , 50 min.

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Jimmy Carson, assistant paymaster of a railroad company, discovers that Slevin, his superior, is cheating the company. Out of fear, Slevin instructs his foreman, Martino, to thrash Carson. Following the assault, Carson resigns and engages in a fight with Slevin, whom he knocks unconscious. Believing he has killed him, Carson starts for the county seat to surrender. He happens to board the special train of James Manning, the company's vice president, who--accompanied by his daughter Marjorie--is on an inspection tour. Meanwhile, Slevin, having stolen from the company and framed Carson for the theft, joins Martino; and the two capture the official's locomotive and escape with Marjorie. Carson, now on the track of Slevin's gang, pursues in a locomotive chase and routs the gang.
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