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krimi / drama / romantický, USA, , 71 min.

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She wanted luxuries...bright lights...and got a prison cell (Jacqueline Thomas)...She tried to get by with her beauty...but only got burned (Pamela Blake) (original poster)
The police find the body of hostess Helen Howard (Wanda McKay), disposed of by petty racketeer Nick Mantee (Kane Richmond) after she was shot in his Bluejay night club by Benny Nordick (John Gallaudet) because she knew too much about Mantee's rackets. Police Lieutenant Williams (Conrad Nagel)and police Sergeant Tom Rainey (Ralph Byrd) inform the dead girl's parents (Nana Bryant and Selmer Jackson)and sister Nancy (Audrey Long)of the run-away's death. Nancy, following Helen's trail, signs with the Mercer Agency operated by Nordick, training girls for an excessive sum which they work off as hostesses at the Bluejay Club. Nancy becomes a hostess at the club and after a party for Latin-American night club owner Barda (Anthony Warde), she uncovers evidence that places Helen at the club. She accuses Nick and Benny of the murder and the two mobsters realize they must do away with her.
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