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hudební, USA, , 72 min.

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Broadway press agent Nap Sisler (Ken Murray) sees a chance to make a national hit with a new dance, "The Baltimore Bubble", created by Greenvale filling-station attendant Johnny Bennett (Johnny Downs). Nap promotes dance instructor Professor L. Orlando Beebee (Ernest Truex) out of $500 to bring Johnny, his dancing partner Snookie Saunders (Kathryn Kane, formerly known as Katherine "Sugar" Kane but not in this film), and Greenvale grocery clerk and hot trombonist Satchel-Lips Peters (Eddie Quillan) to New York. Introduced at a night club by bandleader Ted Weems, the trio is a hit. The Greenvale trio begin a theatre tour with their dance, now a national sensation. The craze soon dies out and Johnny stays in New York to try for another chance at fame with a dancer, Nona (Edna Sedgwick), while the other two return to Greenvale. The new act soon flops and Johnny returns to Greenvale and is met by Snookie, Satchel-Lips and the town band, who escort him to a new and lavish service station built with the money earned from "The Baltimore Bubble."
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