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drama, Velká Británie/USA, , 118 min.

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Disturbed by a photograph of a mutilated Vietnamese child, three London actors--Mark, Pauline, and Bob--set out to learn the reasons for the war and what they can do to end the atrocities. Their quest takes them from protest demonstrations to a series of discussions with a group of politicians at a London cocktail party, with black power advocate Stokely Carmichael, with a Buddhist monk living in Hampstead, and with leftwing militants. Interspersed with these oral analyses is documentary footage of the Vietnam War and reenactments of several historic events, including the self-immolation of Quaker Norman Morrison on the steps of the Pentagon. Also converging on Mark's consciousness is a series of fantasies and dreams, including the constant petitioning of a Maoist woman for "class revolution" and Mark's imagining himself burning down the United States Embassy in London and touring Saigon's bars. The search for moral truth having proved fruitless, Mark, Pauline, and Bob find themselves still staring at the photograph.
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