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komedie, USA, , 87 min.

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Richie Kern, operates and owns an industrial fabrication factory in Manhattan and lumbers through his days with a systematized ritual where he sparks his day alongside the combination of coffee, a cookie and a cigarette. On this morning, failing to find matches for his cigarette, drives Richie into the warehouse to be further unsettled by a succession of affairs leading to his secretary abruptly quitting after a rash dispute with her regarding lightbulbs. Soon Richie begins searching for a replacement, and finds an unusual bond in applicant, April Fischer, whose beauty is accompanied with an affinity for food that carries a strong sexual undertone. Pursuing the foundations of a relationship with April, who welcomes Richie's advances seems ordinary at first until, April engineers a dinner with an ambiguous introduction to Kate Recker, who could be her friend, roommate, lover? Quickly sets forth feelings of mistrust and loss of control that compels one another to examine their own identity.
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