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You Think you know, but you have no idea
The origin of the story unfolds with Samantha Yates and Jodi Marshall, who met each other at Quantico, Virginia, where shortly after, they became close friends and joined the Marine Special Operations Regiment (MSOR).During their service as First Battalion leaders, Samantha was approached by several female Marines, who confessed to being raped by several high ranking officers within the Corps - one of those Marines was her best friend, Jodi. Samantha decided to help her fellow female Marines by filing a petition to bring forth rape charges against ten officers. Before they could get enough signatures to prosecute the rapists, they were unlawfully discharged from duty.Back in Lawrence, Florida, Samantha and Jodi decided to create a socially conscious organization that would organize women in the community, who were victims of domestic violence, rape and discrimination, and teach them how to fight and end the mistreatment of women. The name of the organization was called The Roses.Six months later, Samantha and Jodi were both brutally murdered during a drive-by shooting outside Jodis grandmothers house. Jodi's younger sister, Madison, who was thirteen at the time, was shot in the shoulder and legs, including a graze across her face, while sitting in the back seat of the vehicle. Some people believe the murders were an act of senseless violence, a matter of being in the wrong place and the wrong time; others believe the murder was committed by Special OP Marines. The murders are still unsolved.In honor of Samantha and Jodi, Madison and her best friend, Rye, 'recreated' The Roses. And although they continue to practice the original vision and ideology set forth by Jodi and Samantha, The Roses have evolved into a vicious female street gang, determined to protect themselves and their ruthless, profitable illegal merchandising business against corrupt law officers, corporate moguls, rival street gangs and suspicious parents.The Daughters of Hustle will change your life forever.
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