Josh tries desperately to understand Reva's needs. Reva's menopause is causing havoc for her marriage and she only feels herself when she is working at Outskirts with Nate. Josh enters into an agreement with Sebastian and Blake to bring down Alan Spaulding. Josh wants to gain ownership of WSPR and give Reva her television job back, little does he know that she doesn't want it! Jonathan continues to learn the ropes while working at Lewis Construction, and even turns his mother down when she wants him to go play "hookie" with her! Tammy is pleased by Jonathan's ambition. Jon and Sandy are shocked when Tammy announces that she will be working at Lewis during the summer and the "three of them" can spend a lot of time together! Jonathan confides in Tammy that his trust fund is gone and he is now totally broke. Cassie, Jeffrey, Dinah, and Edmund arrive in Washington DC to talk to Alonzo. Edmund makes sure that Cassie doesn't get to see Alonzo and Dinah, trying to help, only makes matters worse. Word comes that Alonzo wants Will by the end of the week! Cassie is stunned and turns to Jeffrey for support. Uprav informace o filmu