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drama, USA, , 81 min.

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They're only sixteen... but they have to coach their parents in courtship!
Teen-ager Betty Elliott (Marcia Mae Jones) has decided to take over the business and social affairs of her father Doc Elliott (Charles D. Brown). She thinks her father should marry the widowed mother, Julie Harper (Leatrice Joy), of her boyfriend Chris Harper (Jackie Moran). Doc has been a real friend and father to Chris, who, under his guidance, has learned to take care of all the sick animals in town, but lack of money keeps the widow from sending Chris on to finish high school and medical training is out of the question. Wealthy Grandpa Harper (George Cleveland) sends his attorney Baker (Theodore von Eltz) to tell Mrs. Harper that all of Jimmy's dreams could be realized if the widow, whom the grandfather dislikes, would give up custody of her son. The lawyer also begins to court Julie and this throws a kink in Betty's plans to see her father and the widow get married.
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