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komedie / hudební / romantický, Velká Británie, , 96 min.

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Love, a song composed by laughter, tears, and friendship.
Jonathan "J.J." Jones (Samuel Victor) is a music producer at the top of his game. Women throw themselves at him, but J.J. has given up on love, tired of the clichés that he writes for multi-platinum songs. With his madcap manager (Baz Salam) living a hilarious playboy lifestyle on his friend's success, and rival record label boss (Patrick Moorhouse) hiring wannabe gangsters (Johnny Lynch, Mark Margason) to topple his musical empire, J.J. can no longer cope, and escapes to the only place he can be alone, a deserted beach e remembers from childhood. There he meets Kayleigh (Jennie Shotton) - a young lady from a broken home, who helps him write a new love song, learning what's really important in life, friends, family, and true love.
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