drama /
historický /
romantický /
western, USA,
90 min.Režie:
John G. AdolfiHerci:
Robert Frazer,
Clara Bowová,
Robert Edeson,
Johnnie Walker,
Walter McGrail,
více...Cardelanche, the son of an Indian chief, returns from the East to find himself rejected by his own people. He is made captain of the U.S. army when he saves a detachment of cavalry from a group of renegate Indians, and further removes himself from his race when he develops a relationship with Miriam (Bow), the daughter of the Fort Remmington commandant. Lieutenant Parkman (Walker) gets into a fight with Cardelanche when Parkman is demoted, while General Custer's troups are slaughtered by Cardelanche's people. Cardelanche decides that his true allegiance is to his own race, and gives up Miriam to return to them.
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