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horor / sci-fi, USA/Itálie, , 108 min.

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They know we are here...
Wealthy Atlanta basketball team owner Raymond Armstead (Lance Henrikson) is dating widow Barbara Collins (Joanne Nail) and seemingly in love with her, but he is really on assignment for a mysterious syndicate of rich men trying to gain power through the evil manipulation of a genetic alien force that is carried in Barbara's womb. Both Raymond and the smart-mouthed and uncannily talented pre-teen daughter of Collins, Katie (Paige Conner), want marriage and a new baby to be born, with this baby carrying forth the power that Katie is starting to show. An older man appears from another world (John Houston) and intervenes as the force of good that this power potentially has, trying to stop Katie from using her powers for evil and to take her back to a place where the goodness of children can thrive.
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