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drama, USA, , 50 min.

Herci: , , , ,

Little Mary Sunshine lives next door to the estate of Daniel Graham, a lonely old curmudgeon of a man. One day, Graham hears Mary and her friend Piggy laughing over the fence, and going to investigate, he meets the little girl, who befriends him. From then on, Mary pays daily visits to the old man, filling his home with warmth and laughter. On the evening of her birthday, Graham throws her a party, and when it begins to rain heavily, he insists she stay the night. That same evening, Mary's father, who has lost his firm's money on the stock market, breaks into the Graham house, intending to rob it. He is discovered by the old man and Mary, who believes that her father has come to surprise her. Graham, however, realizes the true state of affairs and, because of his love for the child, makes up the loss and starts her father on the right road again.
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