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film / drama, sport, Jugoslávie, , 101 min.

Herci: , , , , , více...

A town hires an Olympic track star named Randy Rawlings to coach the high school basketball team. Randy is hired sight unseen and the town does not know Randy is a woman. The town immediately tries to force her out as soon as she arrives. A man from a small place has become a coach of the biggest club in the country. He's coming back to his home town to buy a talented striker from a local club. A new striker immediately becomes a star in the big club. But a conflict between coach on one side and striker and manager of the club on the other occurs and results in coach leaving the club. He then becomes a coach of a big German club and in international competition has a match against his former club. In first game in Munich his former club wins which puts him in danger of losing position of coach in new club. But in the second game his team wins in Belgrade and goes trough. He once again goes to his home town and in the graveyard, at the tomb of his father, who died in war fighting Germans, asks himself what happened so he's now fighting for the Germans against a club from his own country.
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