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komedie, USA, , 88 min.

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Ski Buffs and Ski Babes on the Go-Go in the Snow-Snow!
Jeff Forrester inherits a ski lodge at Lake Tahoe. With the help of his friend and promotion director Danny Frazer and his secretary Jo Ann Wallace, he wants to renovate the lodge as a ski resort for young adults. They bring in a large number of friends to help with the renovation. Jordan, who holds a mortgage on the lodge, sends Burt, a thug, to impede the group's progress. Burt and Jeff have a ski fight in which Burt saves Jeff's life, and thereafter he stops working for Jordan. The success of the enterprise ensured, the friends are able to pay off the mortgage; Jo Ann and Jeff are married; and Burt and his estranged girl friend, Janine, are reconciled.
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