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horor / komedie, USA, , 15 min.

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Are you ready to have your eyeballs fucked out of your skull?
In the very near future, in a town not unlike your very own, the living dead are crawling from their graves, they're crawling from the morgue, they're crawling ... from the holes in your walls? Who you gonna call? How about Dan The Man Spencer, self proclaimed Zombie Exterminator and jack of all trades. But tonight, Dan is in over his head and out of his mind, taking you on a guided tour battling the forces of evil with a squeamish student director by his side and an arsenal of homemade weapons rearing to go! Tonight, the Exterminator is in, but it's the zombies who may be punching his ticket out! Are you ready to have your eyeballs fucked out of your skull?
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