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Rodné jméno
Addison Whitaker Richards Jr.
20. října 1887, Váhy
Zanesville, Ohio, USA
1.83 m
22. března 1964, 76 let
Los Angeles, California, USA

uprav informace o osobnosti

Diskuze - Addison Richards

Filmy a seriály

   Název    Orig. název    Rok výroby    Hodnocení    

Hraje - Addison Richards
Accidents Will Happen 1938
A Close Call for Ellery Queen 1942
A Dog of Flanders 1935
Adventures of Rusty 1945
Adventures of the Flying Cadets 1943
A Guy Named Joe 194370%
Air Force 194370%
Alcatraz Island 1937
Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (seriál) 195978%
Alcoa Theatre (seriál) 195766%
 - The Perfectionist I/16
Alias Mary Dow 1935
All the Fine Young Cannibals 196061%
A Lost Lady 1934
Always a Bridesmaid 1943
Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever 1939
Andy Hardy Meets Debutante 194072%
Andy Hardy's Double Life 194263%
Andy Hardy's Private Secretary 194166%
Angel on My Shoulder 194668% dnes FilmBox Arthouse (hr) 23.15
A Night of Adventure 194462%
Anna and the King of Siam 194670%
Anthony Adverse 193666%
Are These Our Parents? 1944
Arizona 1940
Armstrong Circle Theatre (seriál) 195071%
A Southern Yankee 194866%
Až přijde zítřek 193967%
Babbitt 1934
Back in the Saddle 1941
Bad Lands 1939
Badlands of Dakota 1941
Bachelor Father (seriál) 195770%
 - The Very Friendly Witness III/32
Ball of Fire 194177%
Barbary Coast Gent 1944
Bells of Rosarita 1945
Ben Jerrod (seriál) 1963
Betrayal from the East 1945
Bewitched 194556%
Beyond the Law 1934
Big Town (seriál) 195077%
 - Coroner Probe Report V/28
Black Diamonds 1940
Black Fury 1935
Black Legion 193769%
Black Market Babies 1945
Blue, White and Perfect 1942
Boj o čas 195655%
Bonanza (seriál) 1959
Border Patrol (seriál) 195970% zítra Pick TV 05.00, ..., ...
 - I/17
Bordertown Trail 1944
British Agent 1934
Broken Arrow (seriál) 195675%
 - Justice I/8
Buckskin (seriál) 195883%
 - Fry's Wife I/24
Bullets or Ballots 193670%
Burn 'Em Up O'Connor 1939
Cavalcade of America (seriál) 195288%
 - Decision for Justice III/15
Ceiling Zero 1936
Cesta na severozápad 194070%
Cimarron City (seriál) 195877%
Climax! (seriál) 195474%
Colleen 1936
Colt .45 (seriál) 195780%
 - Dead Reckoning I/15
Come Out Fighting 1945
Corvette K-225 1943
Cowboy Serenade 1942
Crime Doctor 1943
Criminal Court 1946
Crusader (seriál) 195580%
 - The Visitors I/35
Čáry máry nebožtík 194264%
Dance Charlie Dance 1937
Danger Signal 1945
Davy Crockett, Indian Scout 195054%
Dennis the Menace (seriál) 195970%
 - Dennis and the Bees I/25
Desatero přikázání 195679%
Design for Scandal 194158%
Destroyer 1943
Dinky 193549%
Divorce 1945
Don't Gamble with Strangers 1946
Draegerman Courage 1937
Dragonwyck 194670%
Dr. Christian (seriál) 1956
Duffy's Tavern 1945
Edison, the Man 1940
Eight Bells 1935
Espionage Agent 1939
Everything But the Truth 1956
Exile Express 1939
Fakta života 196064%
Fibber McGee and Molly (seriál) 195980%
Flight (seriál) 195885%
 - Show of Force I/31
Flight Angels 1940
Flight Command 194054%
Flight to Fame 1938
Flying Tigers 1942
Follow the Boys 1944
For Love or Money 1939
For Me and My Gal 194270%
For Those Who Think Young 1964
Fort Yuma 195553%
Freckles 1935
Friendly Enemies 1942
Frisco Kid 1935
Frontier (seriál) 195575%
 - The Shame of a Nation I/4
Frontier Justice (seriál) 195882%
 - Lariat I/1
 - Lariat III/6
Frontier Uprising 1961
Front Page Woman 1935
Fury (seriál) 195573%
 - Joey Finds a Friend I/1
Fury at Gunsight Pass 195662%
Gangs of Chicago 1940
Gateway 1938
Gentlemen Are Born 1934
Geronimo 1939
Give Us Wings 1940
'G' Men 193571%
God Is My Co-Pilot 1945
God's Country and the Woman 1937
Goodyear Television Playhouse (seriál) 195176%
Grissly's Millions 1945
Gunsight Ridge 1957
Gunslinger (seriál) 196178%
 - The Zone I/4
Headin' for God's Country 1943
Henry, the Rainmaker 1949
Here Comes the Band 1935
Her First Beau 1941
Her Husband's Secretary 1937
Hey, Jeannie! (seriál) 1956
 - The Witness I/2
High Society 1955
Hit Parade of 1943 1943
Home on the Range 1935
Hot Money 1936
Charlie Chan in Panama 1940
Cherokee Strip 1940
Cheyenne (seriál) 195579%
 - The Conspirators III/2
China Clipper 1936
If You Knew Susie 1948
Illegal 195570%
I'll Remember April 1945
Inside Information 1939
International Squadron 1941
Island of Doomed Men 1940
I Wanted Wings 194164%
I Was a Convict 1939
Jailbreak 1936
Jane Wyman Presents The Fireside Theatre (seriál) 195573%
Kdo seje vítr 196081%
Kraft Television Theatre (seriál) 195380%
Kraft Theatre (seriál) 194772%
Lady on a Train 194567%
Land of Liberty 1939
Laramie (seriál) 195977%
Lassie (seriál) 195466%
 - The Christmas Story V/16
Last of the Badmen 1957
Lawman (seriál) 195873%
 - The Hold-Out IV/23
Let's Be Ritzy 1934
Little Big Shot 1935
Little Nellie Kelly 1940
Lock Up (seriál) 195980%
 - Change of Heart I/3
Lone Cowboy 1933
Love Is on the Air 193758%
Love Laughs at Andy Hardy 194659%
Lulu Belle 1948
Lux Video Theatre (seriál) 195063%
Manhunt (seriál) 1951
Man Hunt 1936
Man with a Camera (seriál) 195880%
 - Turntable I/5
Man with Two Lives 1942
Marriage Is a Private Affair 1944
Matinee Theatre (seriál) 195569%
Men in Her Diary 1945
Men of Boys Town 194163%
Men of Texas 1942
Miami Undercover (seriál) 1961
 - Operation Hurricane I/19
Mighty Joe Young 194969%
Mike Hammer (seriál) 195682%
 - No Business Like ----- I/33
Mister Ed (seriál) 195872%
 - Ed the Hero II/9
Mokey 194246%
Moon Over Burma 1940
Moon Over Las Vegas 1944
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air 1937
M Squad (seriál) 195784%
 - Badge for a Coward III/35
Mutiny in the Arctic 1941
Muži zítřka 193872%
My Favorite Blonde 1942
My Little Chickadee 194070%
Mystery Broadcast 1943
Mystery of the White Room 1939
Mystery of the 13th Guest 1943
My Three Sons (seriál) 196069%
 - Steve and the Viking IV/12
National Velvet (seriál) 196086%
 - Mi's Citizenship II/23
Nick Carter, Master Detective 1939
No Time for Sergeants (seriál) 196463%
Odvážná Lassie 194661%
Off the Record 1939
Our Daily Bread 193470%
Our Wife 1941
Pacific Rendezvous 1942
Pan Verdoux 194778%
Perry Mason (seriál) 195782%
 - Případ hanebného ničemy I/7 79%
 - The Case of the Travelling Treasure V/8 79%
Pete and Gladys (seriál) 196076%
 - Panhandler I/22
Petticoat Junction (seriál) 196369%
 - Is There a Doctor in the Roundhouse? I/4
Philip Marlowe (seriál) 195967%
Playhouse 90 (seriál) 195675%
Prison Nurse 1938
Private Buckaroo 1942
Příběhy Alfreda Hitchcocka (seriál) 195588%
Public Deb No. 1 1940
Public Enemy's Wife 1936
Queen Esther 1948
Raiders of Ghost City 1944
Rawhide (seriál) 195979% po. 17.3. TVP Kultura 11.00, ...
Ready, Willing and Able 1937
Reaching from Heaven 1948
Renegades 1946
Reprisal! 1956
Ridin' Down the Canyon 1942
Richard Diamond, Private Detective (seriál) 195781%
 - Venus of Park Avenue I/11
Riot Squad 193352%
Road Gang 1936
Robert Montgomery Presents (seriál) 195076%
Roger Touhy, Gangster 1944
Rough, Tough and Ready 1945
Rozdvojená duše 194577%
Rustlers 1949
Saintly Sinners 1962
Salute to the Marines 1943
Santa Fe Trail 194062%
Science Fiction Theatre (seriál) 195577%
 - The Long Day I/35
Sealed Lips 1942
Secret Agent of Japan 1942
Secret Enemies 1942
Secrets of a Co-Ed 1942
Secrets of a Sorority Girl 1945
Sedmá kavalérie 194172%
Seven Days' Leave 194268%
Sheriff of Cochise (seriál) 195688%
Sheriff of Tombstone 1941
Ship Ahoy 1942
Schlitz Playhouse (seriál) 195181%
Since You Went Away 194475%
Ski Patrol 1940
Slightly Honorable 194061%
Smart Blonde 1937
Smart Guy 1943
Smith of Minnesota 1942
Smrtelný hřích 194577%
Society Doctor 193557%
Song of the Saddle 1936
South to Karanga 1940
Startime (seriál) 195950%
 - Tennessee Ernie Ford Meets King Arthur I/31
State Trooper (seriál) 195682%
 - When the Cat's Away II/52
Step by Step 194663%
Strange Confession 1945
Street of Memories 1940
Studio One in Hollywood (seriál) 194873%
Studio 57 (seriál) 195478%
 - Call from Robert Jest I/28
Such Women Are Dangerous 1934
Sutter's Gold 1936
Sweet Music 1935
Swing Shift Maisie 1943
Tales of Wells Fargo (seriál) 195775%
Tall, Dark and Handsome 1941
Telephone Time (seriál) 195672%
 - Cavalry Surgeon III/19
Tell No Tales 1939
Texas 1941
The Adventures of Jim Bowie (seriál) 195676%
The Adventures of Martin Eden 1942
The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin (seriál) 195471%
 - The Accusation V/19
The Barbara Stanwyck Show (seriál) 196077%
 - The Hitch-Hiker I/34 73%
The Barrier 1937
The Beverly Hillbillies (seriál) 196271%
The Big Story (seriál) 194975%
 - Bert Murray of the Los Angeles Daily News V/4
The Big Street 194262%
The Black Doll 1938
The Bob Cummings Show (seriál) 195576%
 - Scramble for Grandpa II/34
The Bob Cummings Show (seriál) 196169%
The Californians (seriál) 195773%
 - Dangerous Journey II/9
The Case of the Howling Dog 1934
The Case of the Velvet Claws 1936
The Crusades 1935
The Dark at the Top of the Stairs 1960
The Deerslayer 1957
The Deerslayer 1943
The Deputy (seriál) 195974%
The Devil's Party 1938
The Dick Powell Show (seriál) 196174%
The Dinah Shore Chevy Show (seriál) 195685%
 - Around the World with Nellie Bly IV/14
The Donna Reed Show (seriál) 195870%
 - The Flowered Print Dress I/27
The Eagle's Brood 1935
The Fastest Gun Alive 195671%
The Fighting Seabees 1944
The Flight That Disappeared 1961
The Fugitive (seriál) 196380%
 - Search in a Windy City I/19 85%
The Gale Storm Show (seriál) 195675%
 - A Beautiful Friendship II/26
The Gambler Wore a Gun 1961
The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (seriál) 195086%
 - A Hole in the Carpet VIII/12
The Girl from Missouri 193466%
The Gracie Allen Murder Case 1939
The Grand Jury (seriál) 1959
The Great Lie 194171%
The Gun of Zangara 1960
The Hoodlum Saint 1946
The Jack Benny Program (seriál) 195087%
 - Jack on Trial for Murder XII/3 74%
The Joey Bishop Show (seriál) 196173%
The Lady Has Plans 1942
The Last Express 1938
The Law and Mr. Jones (seriál) 1960
 - The Enemy I/27
The Law in Her Hands 1936
The Lone Ranger (seriál) 194979%
 - Death Goes to Press IV/43
The Lone Wolf Strikes 194064%
The Loretta Young Show (seriál) 195372%
The Love Captive 1934
The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour (seriál) 195784%
The Mad Ghoul 1943
The Man from Dakota 1940
The Man from Montreal 1939
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis (seriál) 195978%
 - The Little Chimp That Couldn't IV/25
The Master Key 1945
The Millerson Case 1947
The Millionaire (seriál) 195580%
The Motorola Television Hour (seriál) 195377%
 - Side by Side I/7
The Mummy's Curse 1944
The Oregon Trail 1959
The People's Choice (seriál) 195566%
The Pride of the Yankees 194276%
The Public Defender (seriál) 195486%
 - The Director II/23
The Raiders 1963
The Real McCoys (seriál) 195779%
The Royal Mounted Rides Again 1945
The Saga of Hemp Brown 195861%
The Saxon Charm 1948
The Shanghai Cobra 1945
The Singing Marine 193764%
The St. Louis Kid 1934
The Strawberry Blonde 194173%
The Sullivans 1944
The Texan (seriál) 195883%
 - Traildust II/6
The Third Man (seriál) 195977%
 - An Act of Atonement IV/12
The Tiger Woman 1945
The Trial of Mary Dugan 1941
The Unfinished Dance 194764%
The United States Steel Hour (seriál) 195370%
The Untouchables (seriál) 195976%
The Virginian (seriál) 196274%
 - The Exiles I/16
The Walking Dead 193666%
The War Against Mrs. Hadley 1942
The White Cockatoo 1935
They All Come Out 1939
They Made Her a Spy 1939
Three Little Sisters 1944
Three Men in White 194454%
Thunder Afloat 1939
Top Sergeant 1942
Trackdown (seriál) 195782%
Trailin' West 1936
Twelve Crowded Hours 1939
Underground Agent 1942
Vacation Playhouse (seriál) 196383%
 - Hooray for Hollywood II/2
Valley of the Giants 193856%
Volejte Northside 777 194873%
Wagon Train (seriál) 195778%
 - The Heather Mahoney Story V/37
Walk the Proud Land 195668%
Wanted: Dead or Alive (seriál) 195873%
War Dogs 1942
Western Union 194167%
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse (seriál) 195877%
 - Lucy Goes to Mexico I/1
When Gangland Strikes 1956
Where Are Your Children? 1943
Whispering Enemies 1939
White Bondage 1937
Wide Country (seriál) 196281%
Wine, Women and Horses 1937
Wyoming 1940
Yancy Derringer (seriál) 195884%
You Are There (seriál) 195382%
Zane Grey Theater (seriál) 195675%
 - Lariat I/5
Zkamenělý les 193676%
21 Beacon Street (seriál) 195980%
26 Men (seriál) 195779%
 - Refuge at Broken Bow II/39
365 Nights in Hollywood 1934
77 Sunset Strip (seriál) 195879%
 - The Navy Caper IV/13
 - Falling Stars V/13
87th Precinct (seriál) 196188%
 - Girl in the Case I/30

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