Accidents Will Happen 1938 |
A Close Call for Ellery Queen 1942 |
A Dog of Flanders 1935 |
Adventures of Rusty 1945 |
Adventures of the Flying Cadets 1943 |
A Guy Named Joe 194370% |
Air Force 194370% |
Alcatraz Island 1937 |
Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (seriál) 195978% |
Alcoa Theatre (seriál) 195766% - The Perfectionist I/16 |
Alias Mary Dow 1935 |
All the Fine Young Cannibals 196061% |
A Lost Lady 1934 |
Always a Bridesmaid 1943 |
Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever 1939 |
Andy Hardy Meets Debutante 194072% |
Andy Hardy's Double Life 194263% |
Andy Hardy's Private Secretary 194166% |
Angel on My Shoulder 194668% dnes 23.15 |
A Night of Adventure 194462% |
Anna and the King of Siam 194670% |
Anthony Adverse 193666% |
Are These Our Parents? 1944 |
Arizona 1940 |
Armstrong Circle Theatre (seriál) 195071% |
A Southern Yankee 194866% |
Až přijde zítřek 193967% |
Babbitt 1934 |
Back in the Saddle 1941 |
Bad Lands 1939 |
Badlands of Dakota 1941 |
Bachelor Father (seriál) 195770% - The Very Friendly Witness III/32 |
Ball of Fire 194177% |
Barbary Coast Gent 1944 |
Bells of Rosarita 1945 |
Ben Jerrod (seriál) 1963 |
Betrayal from the East 1945 |
Bewitched 194556% |
Beyond the Law 1934 |
Big Town (seriál) 195077% - Coroner Probe Report V/28 |
Black Diamonds 1940 |
Black Fury 1935 |
Black Legion 193769% |
Black Market Babies 1945 |
Blue, White and Perfect 1942 |
Boj o čas 195655% |
Bonanza (seriál) 1959 |
Border Patrol (seriál) 195970% zítra 05.00, ..., ... - I/17 |
Bordertown Trail 1944 |
British Agent 1934 |
Broken Arrow (seriál) 195675% - Justice I/8 |
Buckskin (seriál) 195883% - Fry's Wife I/24 |
Bullets or Ballots 193670% |
Burn 'Em Up O'Connor 1939 |
Cavalcade of America (seriál) 195288% - Decision for Justice III/15 |
Ceiling Zero 1936 |
Cesta na severozápad 194070% |
Cimarron City (seriál) 195877% |
Climax! (seriál) 195474% |
Colleen 1936 |
Colt .45 (seriál) 195780% - Dead Reckoning I/15 |
Come Out Fighting 1945 |
Corvette K-225 1943 |
Cowboy Serenade 1942 |
Crime Doctor 1943 |
Criminal Court 1946 |
Crusader (seriál) 195580% - The Visitors I/35 |
Čáry máry nebožtík 194264% |
Dance Charlie Dance 1937 |
Danger Signal 1945 |
Davy Crockett, Indian Scout 195054% |
Dennis the Menace (seriál) 195970% - Dennis and the Bees I/25 |
Desatero přikázání 195679% |
Design for Scandal 194158% |
Destroyer 1943 |
Dinky 193549% |
Divorce 1945 |
Don't Gamble with Strangers 1946 |
Draegerman Courage 1937 |
Dragonwyck 194670% |
Dr. Christian (seriál) 1956 |
Duffy's Tavern 1945 |
Edison, the Man 1940 |
Eight Bells 1935 |
Espionage Agent 1939 |
Everything But the Truth 1956 |
Exile Express 1939 |
Fakta života 196064% |
Fibber McGee and Molly (seriál) 195980% |
Flight (seriál) 195885% - Show of Force I/31 |
Flight Angels 1940 |
Flight Command 194054% |
Flight to Fame 1938 |
Flying Tigers 1942 |
Follow the Boys 1944 |
For Love or Money 1939 |
For Me and My Gal 194270% |
For Those Who Think Young 1964 |
Fort Yuma 195553% |
Freckles 1935 |
Friendly Enemies 1942 |
Frisco Kid 1935 |
Frontier (seriál) 195575% - The Shame of a Nation I/4 |
Frontier Justice (seriál) 195882% - Lariat I/1 - Lariat III/6 |
Frontier Uprising 1961 |
Front Page Woman 1935 |
Fury (seriál) 195573% - Joey Finds a Friend I/1 |
Fury at Gunsight Pass 195662% |
Gangs of Chicago 1940 |
Gateway 1938 |
Gentlemen Are Born 1934 |
Geronimo 1939 |
Give Us Wings 1940 |
'G' Men 193571% |
God Is My Co-Pilot 1945 |
God's Country and the Woman 1937 |
Goodyear Television Playhouse (seriál) 195176% |
Grissly's Millions 1945 |
Gunsight Ridge 1957 |
Gunslinger (seriál) 196178% - The Zone I/4 |
Headin' for God's Country 1943 |
Henry, the Rainmaker 1949 |
Here Comes the Band 1935 |
Her First Beau 1941 |
Her Husband's Secretary 1937 |
Hey, Jeannie! (seriál) 1956 - The Witness I/2 |
High Society 1955 |
Hit Parade of 1943 1943 |
Home on the Range 1935 |
Hot Money 1936 |
Charlie Chan in Panama 1940 |
Cherokee Strip 1940 |
Cheyenne (seriál) 195579% - The Conspirators III/2 |
China Clipper 1936 |
If You Knew Susie 1948 |
Illegal 195570% |
I'll Remember April 1945 |
Inside Information 1939 |
International Squadron 1941 |
Island of Doomed Men 1940 |
I Wanted Wings 194164% |
I Was a Convict 1939 |
Jailbreak 1936 |
Jane Wyman Presents The Fireside Theatre (seriál) 195573% |
Kdo seje vítr 196081% |
Kraft Television Theatre (seriál) 195380% |
Kraft Theatre (seriál) 194772% |
Lady on a Train 194567% |
Land of Liberty 1939 |
Laramie (seriál) 195977% |
Lassie (seriál) 195466% - The Christmas Story V/16 |
Last of the Badmen 1957 |
Lawman (seriál) 195873% - The Hold-Out IV/23 |
Let's Be Ritzy 1934 |
Little Big Shot 1935 |
Little Nellie Kelly 1940 |
Lock Up (seriál) 195980% - Change of Heart I/3 |
Lone Cowboy 1933 |
Love Is on the Air 193758% |
Love Laughs at Andy Hardy 194659% |
Lulu Belle 1948 |
Lux Video Theatre (seriál) 195063% |
Manhunt (seriál) 1951 |
Man Hunt 1936 |
Man with a Camera (seriál) 195880% - Turntable I/5 |
Man with Two Lives 1942 |
Marriage Is a Private Affair 1944 |
Matinee Theatre (seriál) 195569% |
Men in Her Diary 1945 |
Men of Boys Town 194163% |
Men of Texas 1942 |
Miami Undercover (seriál) 1961 - Operation Hurricane I/19 |
Mighty Joe Young 194969% |
Mike Hammer (seriál) 195682% - No Business Like ----- I/33 |
Mister Ed (seriál) 195872% - Ed the Hero II/9 |
Mokey 194246% |
Moon Over Burma 1940 |
Moon Over Las Vegas 1944 |
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air 1937 |
M Squad (seriál) 195784% - Badge for a Coward III/35 |
Mutiny in the Arctic 1941 |
Muži zítřka 193872% |
My Favorite Blonde 1942 |
My Little Chickadee 194070% |
Mystery Broadcast 1943 |
Mystery of the White Room 1939 |
Mystery of the 13th Guest 1943 |
My Three Sons (seriál) 196069% - Steve and the Viking IV/12 |
National Velvet (seriál) 196086% - Mi's Citizenship II/23 |
Nick Carter, Master Detective 1939 |
No Time for Sergeants (seriál) 196463% |
Odvážná Lassie 194661% |
Off the Record 1939 |
Our Daily Bread 193470% |
Our Wife 1941 |
Pacific Rendezvous 1942 |
Pan Verdoux 194778% |
Perry Mason (seriál) 195782% - Případ hanebného ničemy I/7 79% - The Case of the Travelling Treasure V/8 79% |
Pete and Gladys (seriál) 196076% - Panhandler I/22 |
Petticoat Junction (seriál) 196369% - Is There a Doctor in the Roundhouse? I/4 |
Philip Marlowe (seriál) 195967% |
Playhouse 90 (seriál) 195675% |
Prison Nurse 1938 |
Private Buckaroo 1942 |
Příběhy Alfreda Hitchcocka (seriál) 195588% |
Public Deb No. 1 1940 |
Public Enemy's Wife 1936 |
Queen Esther 1948 |
Raiders of Ghost City 1944 |
Rawhide (seriál) 195979% po. 17.3. 11.00, ... |
Ready, Willing and Able 1937 |
Reaching from Heaven 1948 |
Renegades 1946 |
Reprisal! 1956 |
Ridin' Down the Canyon 1942 |
Richard Diamond, Private Detective (seriál) 195781% - Venus of Park Avenue I/11 |
Riot Squad 193352% |
Road Gang 1936 |
Robert Montgomery Presents (seriál) 195076% |
Roger Touhy, Gangster 1944 |
Rough, Tough and Ready 1945 |
Rozdvojená duše 194577% |
Rustlers 1949 |
Saintly Sinners 1962 |
Salute to the Marines 1943 |
Santa Fe Trail 194062% |
Science Fiction Theatre (seriál) 195577% - The Long Day I/35 |
Sealed Lips 1942 |
Secret Agent of Japan 1942 |
Secret Enemies 1942 |
Secrets of a Co-Ed 1942 |
Secrets of a Sorority Girl 1945 |
Sedmá kavalérie 194172% |
Seven Days' Leave 194268% |
Sheriff of Cochise (seriál) 195688% |
Sheriff of Tombstone 1941 |
Ship Ahoy 1942 |
Schlitz Playhouse (seriál) 195181% |
Since You Went Away 194475% |
Ski Patrol 1940 |
Slightly Honorable 194061% |
Smart Blonde 1937 |
Smart Guy 1943 |
Smith of Minnesota 1942 |
Smrtelný hřích 194577% |
Society Doctor 193557% |
Song of the Saddle 1936 |
South to Karanga 1940 |
Startime (seriál) 195950% - Tennessee Ernie Ford Meets King Arthur I/31 |
State Trooper (seriál) 195682% - When the Cat's Away II/52 |
Step by Step 194663% |
Strange Confession 1945 |
Street of Memories 1940 |
Studio One in Hollywood (seriál) 194873% |
Studio 57 (seriál) 195478% - Call from Robert Jest I/28 |
Such Women Are Dangerous 1934 |
Sutter's Gold 1936 |
Sweet Music 1935 |
Swing Shift Maisie 1943 |
Tales of Wells Fargo (seriál) 195775% |
Tall, Dark and Handsome 1941 |
Telephone Time (seriál) 195672% - Cavalry Surgeon III/19 |
Tell No Tales 1939 |
Texas 1941 |
The Adventures of Jim Bowie (seriál) 195676% |
The Adventures of Martin Eden 1942 |
The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin (seriál) 195471% - The Accusation V/19 |
The Barbara Stanwyck Show (seriál) 196077% - The Hitch-Hiker I/34 73% |
The Barrier 1937 |
The Beverly Hillbillies (seriál) 196271% |
The Big Story (seriál) 194975% - Bert Murray of the Los Angeles Daily News V/4 |
The Big Street 194262% |
The Black Doll 1938 |
The Bob Cummings Show (seriál) 195576% - Scramble for Grandpa II/34 |
The Bob Cummings Show (seriál) 196169% |
The Californians (seriál) 195773% - Dangerous Journey II/9 |
The Case of the Howling Dog 1934 |
The Case of the Velvet Claws 1936 |
The Crusades 1935 |
The Dark at the Top of the Stairs 1960 |
The Deerslayer 1957 |
The Deerslayer 1943 |
The Deputy (seriál) 195974% |
The Devil's Party 1938 |
The Dick Powell Show (seriál) 196174% |
The Dinah Shore Chevy Show (seriál) 195685% - Around the World with Nellie Bly IV/14 |
The Donna Reed Show (seriál) 195870% - The Flowered Print Dress I/27 |
The Eagle's Brood 1935 |
The Fastest Gun Alive 195671% |
The Fighting Seabees 1944 |
The Flight That Disappeared 1961 |
The Fugitive (seriál) 196380% - Search in a Windy City I/19 85% |
The Gale Storm Show (seriál) 195675% - A Beautiful Friendship II/26 |
The Gambler Wore a Gun 1961 |
The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (seriál) 195086% - A Hole in the Carpet VIII/12 |
The Girl from Missouri 193466% |
The Gracie Allen Murder Case 1939 |
The Grand Jury (seriál) 1959 |
The Great Lie 194171% |
The Gun of Zangara 1960 |
The Hoodlum Saint 1946 |
The Jack Benny Program (seriál) 195087% - Jack on Trial for Murder XII/3 74% |
The Joey Bishop Show (seriál) 196173% |
The Lady Has Plans 1942 |
The Last Express 1938 |
The Law and Mr. Jones (seriál) 1960 - The Enemy I/27 |
The Law in Her Hands 1936 |
The Lone Ranger (seriál) 194979% - Death Goes to Press IV/43 |
The Lone Wolf Strikes 194064% |
The Loretta Young Show (seriál) 195372% |
The Love Captive 1934 |
The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour (seriál) 195784% |
The Mad Ghoul 1943 |
The Man from Dakota 1940 |
The Man from Montreal 1939 |
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis (seriál) 195978% - The Little Chimp That Couldn't IV/25 |
The Master Key 1945 |
The Millerson Case 1947 |
The Millionaire (seriál) 195580% |
The Motorola Television Hour (seriál) 195377% - Side by Side I/7 |
The Mummy's Curse 1944 |
The Oregon Trail 1959 |
The People's Choice (seriál) 195566% |
The Pride of the Yankees 194276% |
The Public Defender (seriál) 195486% - The Director II/23 |
The Raiders 1963 |
The Real McCoys (seriál) 195779% |
The Royal Mounted Rides Again 1945 |
The Saga of Hemp Brown 195861% |
The Saxon Charm 1948 |
The Shanghai Cobra 1945 |
The Singing Marine 193764% |
The St. Louis Kid 1934 |
The Strawberry Blonde 194173% |
The Sullivans 1944 |
The Texan (seriál) 195883% - Traildust II/6 |
The Third Man (seriál) 195977% - An Act of Atonement IV/12 |
The Tiger Woman 1945 |
The Trial of Mary Dugan 1941 |
The Unfinished Dance 194764% |
The United States Steel Hour (seriál) 195370% |
The Untouchables (seriál) 195976% |
The Virginian (seriál) 196274% - The Exiles I/16 |
The Walking Dead 193666% |
The War Against Mrs. Hadley 1942 |
The White Cockatoo 1935 |
They All Come Out 1939 |
They Made Her a Spy 1939 |
Three Little Sisters 1944 |
Three Men in White 194454% |
Thunder Afloat 1939 |
Top Sergeant 1942 |
Trackdown (seriál) 195782% |
Trailin' West 1936 |
Twelve Crowded Hours 1939 |
Underground Agent 1942 |
Vacation Playhouse (seriál) 196383% - Hooray for Hollywood II/2 |
Valley of the Giants 193856% |
Volejte Northside 777 194873% |
Wagon Train (seriál) 195778% - The Heather Mahoney Story V/37 |
Walk the Proud Land 195668% |
Wanted: Dead or Alive (seriál) 195873% |
War Dogs 1942 |
Western Union 194167% |
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse (seriál) 195877% - Lucy Goes to Mexico I/1 |
When Gangland Strikes 1956 |
Where Are Your Children? 1943 |
Whispering Enemies 1939 |
White Bondage 1937 |
Wide Country (seriál) 196281% |
Wine, Women and Horses 1937 |
Wyoming 1940 |
Yancy Derringer (seriál) 195884% |
You Are There (seriál) 195382% |
Zane Grey Theater (seriál) 195675% - Lariat I/5 |
Zkamenělý les 193676% |
21 Beacon Street (seriál) 195980% |
26 Men (seriál) 195779% - Refuge at Broken Bow II/39 |
365 Nights in Hollywood 1934 |
77 Sunset Strip (seriál) 195879% - The Navy Caper IV/13 - Falling Stars V/13 |
87th Precinct (seriál) 196188% - Girl in the Case I/30 |