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Tony Hughes, Anthony Hughes

New York City, New York, USA

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Diskuze - J. Anthony Hughes

Filmy a seriály

   Název    Orig. název    Rok výroby    Hodnocení    

Hraje - J. Anthony Hughes
Abbott a Costtello (seriál) 195183%
Alias Jesse James 195964%
Armored Car 1937
Blondie Goes to College 1942
Buck Privates 194170%
Call a Messenger 1939
Diamond Frontier 1940
Educating Father 1936
Fly-By-Night 194265%
Gang Busters (seriál) 195260%
 - The O'Dell-Griffin Case I/7
Gateway 1938
High Tension 1936
Highway Patrol (seriál) 195577% zítra Pick TV 06.30, ..., ...
 - Escaped Mental Patient II/13
Hollywood Cavalcade 1939
Hot Water 1937
Charlie Chan in Honolulu 1938
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise 1940
I Led 3 Lives (seriál) 195366%
 - Martyr II/4
I'm the Law (seriál) 195342%
Invisible Stripes 193967%
I Stole a Million 1939
It Had to Happen 1936
Jezdci noci 194072%
Just Around the Corner 1938
Knockout 194157%
Lassie (seriál) 195466%
Last of the Duanes 1941
Life with Henry 1941
Love on a Bet 1936
Men of San Quentin 1942
Murder in the Fleet 193557%
News Is Made at Night 1939
Pacific Rendezvous 1942
Příběhy Alfreda Hitchcocka (seriál) 195588%
 - On the Nose III/20 69%
Sailor's Lady 1940
Smrtelné setkání 194065%
Speed to Burn 1938
Tail Spin 1939
Tales of the Texas Rangers (seriál) 195579%
 - Panhandle II/1
Tales of Wells Fargo (seriál) 195775%
 - Rifles for Red Hand V/33
The Cisco Kid and the Lady 1939
The Country Doctor 1936
The Fighting 69th 194065%
The Girl on the Front Page 1936
The Guy Who Came Back 1951
The Howards of Virginia 1940
The Keys of the Kingdom 194472%
The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt 1939
The Lost Missile 1958
The Mickey Rooney Show (seriál) 195461%
 - Mickey and the Mummy I/22
The Public Defender (seriál) 195486%
 - Your Witness II/22
The Spirit of Culver 1939
The Whistler (seriál) 1954
 - Windfall I/30
Three Cheers for the Irish 1940
Treasury Men in Action (seriál) 195082%
 - The Case of the Broken Bond V/13
Two Girls on Broadway 1940
Up the River 1938
Warlock 195970%
Whipsaw 1935
Wings of the Navy 1939
Wives Under Suspicion 1938

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