ABC Weekend Specials (seriál) 197781% - The Secret of Lizard Woman |
Akta X (seriál) 199386% - Býti a čas VII/10 80% |
Archer (seriál) 197537% |
Baretta (seriál) 197566% - The Goodbye Orphan Annie Blues II/1 |
Becker (seriál) 199870% - Point of Contact II/1 72% |
Ben Casey (seriál) 196173% - Where Did All the Roses Go? V/23 |
Better Off Dead... 198571% |
Bonanza (seriál) 1959 - The Sure Thing IX/9 |
Bus Riley's Back in Town 1965 |
Circle of Fear (seriál) 197277% |
Cold Ones 2007 |
Cool Million (seriál) 1972 - Hunt for a Lonely Girl I/2 |
Crazy Like a Fox (seriál) 198468% - A Fox at the Races II/22 |
Další školák vlkodlak 198734% |
Dámy z kamionu 1979 |
Dark Realm (seriál) 200053% |
Deadly Embrace 1989 |
Divoké dítě 200164% |
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark 197369% |
Dr. Kildare (seriál) 196170% |
Embassy 1985 |
Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb 1980 |
E/R (seriál) 198471% |
Family (seriál) 197673% - Princess in the Tower III/13 |
Fantasy Island (seriál) 197865% - Challenge, The/A Genie Named Joe V/16 |
First Steps 198568% |
Flesh and Blood 1968 |
For the People (seriál) 200250% - Textbook Perfect I/8 |
Generation 1969 |
Grissomova banda 197167% |
Gunsmoke (seriál) 1955 |
Halloween - Prokletí Michaela Myerse 199547% |
Hotel (seriál) 198364% - Ideals II/7 |
Ironside (seriál) 196771% |
Jahodová proklamace 197068% |
Judd for the Defense (seriál) 196771% - Conspiracy I/6 |
Love Story (seriál) 197351% |
Marcus Welby, M.D. (seriál) 196973% |
Maršál 196974% |
Mr. Novak (seriál) 196380% |
NewsBreak 2000 |
Norwood 1970 |
Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law (seriál) 197169% - I've Promised You a Father: Part 2 III/20 |
Petrocelli (seriál) 197469% - The Kidnapping I/16 |
Police Story (seriál) 197374% |
Prozíravost (seriál) 201275% - Prologue III/8 83% |
Případ pro Sam (seriál) 199673% - Kruté a nezvyklé I/8 82% |
Red Sky at Morning 1971 |
Riptide (seriál) 198468% - A Matter of Policy III/11 68% |
Run for Your Life (seriál) 196575% |
Sbohem Ptáčku 196366% čt. 3.4. 10.15 |
Scarecrow and Mrs. King (seriál) 198374% - Over the Limit III/3 78% |
Star Trek (seriál) 196684% - Miri I/8 70% |
Summer Girl 1983 |
The Capture of Grizzly Adams 1982 |
The Donna Reed Show (seriál) 195870% - The Mysterious Smile VII/28 |
The Eleventh Hour (seriál) 196276% - Does My Mother Have to Know?: Part 1 II/26 - Does My Mother Have to Know?: Part 2 II/27 |
The Facts of Life (seriál) 197968% - Joint Custody V/24 |
The Farmer's Daughter (seriál) 196379% - Katy and the Prince I/23 |
The Fugitive (seriál) 196380% |
The John Forsythe Show (seriál) 1965 - 'Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost I/4 |
The Karate Killers 196748% |
The Last Best Sunday 1999 |
The Love Boat (seriál) 197761% - Alas, Poor Dwyer/After the War/Itsy Bitsy/Ticket to Ride/Disco Baby: Part 1 II/18 64% - Disco Baby/Alas, Poor Dwyer/After the War/Ticket to Ride/Itsy Bitsy: Part 2 II/19 63% - Tomorrow Lady, The/Father, Dear Father/Still Life VI/11 |
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (seriál) 196478% |
The Mississippi (seriál) 198349% - Abigail II/16 |
The One and Only 1978 |
The Oregon Trail (seriál) 197665% - Return of the Baby I/10 |
The People 1972 |
The Restless Ones 1965 |
The Road West (seriál) 196670% - Fair Ladies of France I/22 |
The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd 1974 |
The Storyteller 2005 |
This Is the Life (seriál) 1983 - The Face of Gabriel Ortiz |
This Is the Life (seriál) 195270% |
This Is the West That Was 1974 |
Thriller (seriál) 197372% - Good Salary, Prospects, Free Coffin V/5 66% |
To je vražda, napsala (seriál) 198472% - Filmový fígl XI/16 75% - Záhadná smrt knížete Děsu I/8 67% |
Trapper John, M.D. (seriál) 197968% |
V ulicích San Francisca (seriál) 197273% - The Streets of San Francisco I/0 67% |
Wagon Train (seriál) 195778% - The Story of Hector Heatherington VIII/13 |
Wide World Mystery (seriál) 197366% - Mirror of Deception |
You Are So Going to Hell! 2004 |