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Rodné jméno
Samuel Grosvenor Wood
10. července 1883, Rak
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
herec, režisér, scénárista, producent
1.83 m
22. září 1949, 66 let
Hollywood, California, USA

uprav informace o osobnosti

Diskuze - Sam Wood

Filmy a seriály

   Název    Orig. název    Rok výroby    Hodnocení    

Hraje - Sam Wood
Don't Change Your Husband 1919
Po stopách Hannibala (seriál) 201070%
The Little American 1917
Who Knows? 1917

Režie - Sam Wood
A City Sparrow 1920
Ambush 195060%
A Racing Romeo 1927
A Tailor Made Man 1931
Beyond the Rocks 1922
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife 1923
Bluff 1924
Casanova Brown 194464%
Command Decision 1948
Ďábel a slečna Jonesová 1941
Don't Tell Everything 1921
Double Speed 1920
Excuse My Dust 1920
Fascinating Youth 1926
Guest Wife 1945
Heartbeat 1946
Her Beloved Villain 1920
Her First Elopement 1920
Her Gilded Cage 1922
His Children's Children 1923
Hold Your Man 1933
Hollywood Party 193460%
Huddle 1932
Christopher Bean 1933
It's a Great Life 1929
Ivy 1947
Jih proti Severu 193979%
Kings Row 1942
Kitty Foyle: The Natural History of a Woman 194071%
Kobylkáři 193775%
Komu zvoní hrana 194368%
Královna Kelly 192976%
Let 'em Have It 1935
Lord Jeff 1938
Madame X 193765%
Navy Blue and Gold 1937
New Adventures of Get Rich Quick Wallingford 1931
Noc v opeře 193578%
One Minute to Play 1926
Our Town 1940
Paid 1930
Peck's Bad Boy 1921
Prodigal Daughters 1923
Prosperity 1932
Raffles 1939
Rangers of Fortune 1940
Rendezvous 193562%
Rookies 1927
Saratoga Trunk 1945
Sbohem, pane Chips 1939
Sick Abed 1920
So This Is College 192957%
Stablemates 193884%
Stamboul Quest 1934
Telling the World 1928
The Barbarian 1933
The Cat and the Fiddle 1934
The Dancin' Fool 1920
The Fair Co-Ed 1927
The Female 1924
The Girl from Missouri 193466%
The Girl Said No 1930
The Good Earth 193777%
The Great Moment 1921
The Impossible Mrs. Bellew 1922
The Latest from Paris 1928
The Man in Possession 1931
The Mine with the Iron Door 1924
The Next Corner 1924
The Pride of the Yankees 194276%
The Re-Creation of Brian Kent 1925
The Sins of the Children 1930
The Stratton Story 194971%
The Unguarded Hour 193655%
They Learned About Women 1930
Under the Lash 1921
Way for a Sailor 1930
What's Your Hurry? 1920
Whipsaw 1935

Scénář - Sam Wood
Lord Jeff 1938
Peck's Bad Boy 1921

Produkce - Sam Wood
Address Unknown 1944
Ambush 195060%
A Tailor Made Man 1931
Hold Your Man 1933
Huddle 1932
Ivy 1947
Kobylkáři 193775%
Komu zvoní hrana 194368%
Lord Jeff 1938
Navy Blue and Gold 1937
Paid 1930
Prosperity 1932
So This Is College 192957%
Stamboul Quest 1934
The Barbarian 1933
The Fair Co-Ed 1927
The Girl Said No 1930
The Man in Possession 1931
The Sins of the Children 1930
The Unguarded Hour 193655%
Way for a Sailor 1930
Whipsaw 1935

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