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Rodné jméno
Bert DeWayne Morris
herec, producent

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Diskuze - Wayne Morris

Filmy a seriály

   Název    Orig. název    Rok výroby    Hodnocení    

Hraje - Wayne Morris
Adventures in Paradise (seriál) 195983%
 - The Archer's Ring I/14
A Kiss in the Dark 1949
An Angel from Texas 1940
Arctic Flight 1952
Bad Men of Missouri 1941
Bat Masterson (seriál) 195873%
 - Battle of the Pass I/20
Bourbon Street Beat (seriál) 195980%
Bronco (seriál) 195869%
 - Shadow of a Man I/18
Brother Rat 1938
Brother Rat and a Baby 1940
Buffalo Gun 1961
Colt .45 (seriál) 195780%
 - A Time to Die I/2
Cross Channel 1955
Damon Runyon Theater (seriál) 195581%
 - The Mink Doll I/13
Desert Pursuit 1952
Double Alibi 1940
Flight Angels 1940
Gambling on the High Seas 1940
Gunsmoke (seriál) 1955
 - Dirt III/25
Here Comes Carter 1936
China Clipper 1936
I Wanted Wings 194164%
John Loves Mary 1949
Johnny One-Eye 195055%
Kid Galahad 193772%
King of Hockey 1936
Ladies Must Live 1940
Land Beyond the Law 1937
Lawman (seriál) 195873%
 - The Master I/13
Lord of the Jungle 1955
Love, Honor and Behave 1938
Maverick (seriál) 195782%
 - Prey of the Cat II/12 76%
New Comedy Showcase (seriál) 1960
Official Detective (seriál) 1957
 - The Cover-Up I/39
Once a Doctor 1937
Plunder Road 195769%
Polo Joe 1936
Port of Hell 1954
Příběhy Alfreda Hitchcocka (seriál) 195588%
 - A Personal Matter IV/15 65%
Riding Shotgun 1954
Science Fiction Theatre (seriál) 195577%
 - Beam of Fire II/15
Sierra Passage 1951
'Smiling Ghost, The' 1941
Stage to Tucson 195058%
Star of Texas 1953
Submarine D-1 1937
Texas Bad Man 1953
The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet (seriál) 195275%
 - Sea Captain VIII/1
The Adventures of the Big Man (seriál) 1956
The Big Gusher 1951
The Big Punch 194857%
The Bushwhackers 1952
The Crooked Sky 1957
The Desperado 1954
The Ed Sullivan Show (seriál) 194876%
 - XI/13
The Fighting Lawman 1953
The Ford Television Theatre (seriál) 195276%
 - The Clay Pigeon IV/35
The Further Adventures of Ellery Queen (seriál) 1958
 - Confession of Murder I/27
The Gelignite Gang 1956
The Green Buddha 1955
The House Across the Street 1949
The Kid Comes Back 1938
The Kid from Kokomo 193964%
The Lonesome Trail 1955
The Marksman 1953
The Master Plan 1955
The Quarterback 1940
The Time of Your Life 194862% út. 25.2. Klasik 03.55
The Tougher They Come 1950
The Voice of the Turtle 1947
Three Sons o' Guns 1941
Two Guns and a Badge 1954
Wagon Train (seriál) 195778%
 - The Tent City Story II/10
Wanted: Dead or Alive (seriál) 195873%
 - Secret Ballot I/24
Yellow Fin 1951

Produkce - Wayne Morris
Arctic Flight 1952
Desert Pursuit 1952
Sierra Passage 1951
Yellow Fin 1951

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