1. | Welcome Back | "Drop Dead Diva" - "Welcome Back" - June 3, 2012After three glorious weeks in Italy, Owen and Jane are getting homesick. Until Teri shows up to say she needs to come home and then Jane wants to stay. But, Teri explains, Kim has been in charge since Parker went off to find his son and things have gone downhill quickly and they're running out of cash. They need Jane to come home and take on a high-profile murder case of an old friend who is now wealthy. Through Teri, Kim offers her a bunch of perks including keys to the executive washroom and her own parking space and good vacation days so Jane and Owen head home.At the airport a lovesick Grayson shows up with flowers but sees Jane and Owen kiss and leaves them in the trash and takes off. At the office Kim has told Grayson he's sliding and he needs to step up his game. He counters by asksing why his paycheck bounced. She says it's a computer glitch. Meanwhile Grayson is grilling Stacy about what she meant when she said "Jane is Deb?" Stacy says she just meant that Deb was her best friend and now Jane is. Later, he asks if Jane ever spoke of him in a romantic way but before Stacy can answer Grayson says he doesn't want to know. He then later notices that Deb died the same day Jane was shot and flatlined and now thinks that Jane has somehow come back as Deb, which of course she has.Jane returns and Kim gets her up to speed: Jane's old law school buddy Emily Horn is on trial for killing her lover, with whom she had a brief affair before reconciling with her husband Anton.Emily arrives and greets Jane and tells her story. She didn't kill her lover, she's being framed by whoever put the bloody wrench in her car to make it look like she killed him. She's too smart to have left the murder weapon in her own car.Stacy comes to office and Jane blows her off saying she saw her kissing Grayson.Jane goes to Emily's husband who believes wife is innocent and loves and forgives her but doesn't want to be called as a witness because he went to the gym and can't completely vouch for her whereabouts. Since they're spouses Jane says not to worry.Jane finally arrives home and Stacy explains that she didn't kiss Grayson, he kissed her, and she stopped him and said she wasn't Deb and wasn't interested in him. Jane apologizes and they make up. Stacy wonders where Fred is though since the last time she saw him he was with Jane.Jane says he was at the airport with her and she told him about Stacy kissing Grayson so he could be anywhere. And just like that he shows up at their door with his new, perky girlfriend Allie and breaks Stacy's heart.Owen goes to the office to see Jane and runs into Grayson who asks if it's serious between him and Jane. Owen wonders why he's asking. Grayson says he's just watching out for her. Owen says Jane's lucky she has people who care.Stacy goes to see Nicki LaPree a health food worker/relationship guru played by Kim Kardashian. She advises Stacy to put it all on the table and tell Fred that she loves and wants him.Jane takes her case to court and casts suspicion on Anton, Emily's husband, who lied about when he knew about the affair and his own alibi turns out to be bad. The judge dismisses the charges against Emily and charges her husband instead. At the office Kim is raising toast to this win and hopes it will be a new source of revenue when Emily comes to Jane and confesses. Her lover tried to blackmail her and she killed him. She can still testify against her husband, essentially admitting her guilt to clear him because she has already been cleared of the charges. She asks Jane to find someone to represent Anton. Owen does it and they successfully exonerate him. Jane notices a smile between Anton and Emily and realizes that Emily totally played her and is furious.Stacy goes to lunch with Fred and says she wants him back and that they belong together, she begs essentially. He says a firm no but seem torn about it. But then Allie breaks up with him. Fred goes to see Jane and Jane tells him to go and get Stacy back.Unfortunately, Stacy went back to her love guru who says she now has to move on, even if Fred comes to her and begs to be taken back.So when Fred comes to her and begs to be taken back, Stacy says no. So Fred tells her the truth: that he was Jane's guardian angel who came to earth. And then he broke all the rules to be with her. Stacy says this changes everything and she will take him back but he says now that she knows the truth he must go back but he thanks her. He says when he closes the door she will have no memory of him. They kiss one last time and he leaves and she cries. But then the door closes and she stops.Fred shows up at the courthouse to tell Jane he has to go and that his replacement is already there. He thanks her for letting him experience what it's like to be human. Just as Jane turns to tell Owen to wait a minute, Fred is gone.Parker arrives with Luke, the firm's new angel investor. At first he seems pervy like Parker. Parker tells Kim he didn't find son and doesn't want to talk about it. It turns out that Luke is also the new "angel" for Jane, althought he wants to be called an afterlife coach. He says she needs to move forward as Jane. And she says she may have Jane's brain and body but she will forever be Deb. He thinks this is going to be fun. více |
2. | Home | "Drop Dead Diva" - "Home" - June 10, 2012Jane has a dream that she's in the hospital and Owen and Grayson are surgeons fighting over who gets to operate on her. Stacy thinks this means that Jane is in transition. Jane says she's not really thinking of Grayson anymore. Stacy spills that Grayson is thinking about her and maybe connecting the dots between her and Deb. Jane thinks this is silly since Grayson isn't that kind of person, too rational for that nonsense.Janes heads to the office and Luke follows her on a Segway through the office. Jane complains that Stacy doesn't remember Fred. Luke floats the notion of living with her a la Fred but Jane won't have it.And then the night's storylines begin:In Kim's storyline she takes the case of her own father, who is played by "Cheers" actor John Ratzenberger. He plays a former janitor who has decided to squat in the Bel Air mansion of his former boss at an insurance company after his retirement plan settlement was scuttled. He hasn't been much of a presence in Kim's life but she takes on his case. Parker pitches in, partially because he's come to realize how important family is after chasing after his ex-girlfriend and son and not finding them in Chicago. Ultimately, after the Kim and Parker uncover evidence that the CEO of the insurance company used company funds to furnish his own many mansions her dad gets his retirement settlement check and the CEO will be forced to use his personal fortune to reimburse the other employees who lost their retirement funds.In Stacy's storyline she and Nikki finally discover they swapped phones accidentally. When Nikki comes to pick up her phone she happens on Stacy baking. Two pages in the cookbook were stuck together, however, and she has accidentally made a pie/cake mash-up. It turns out that it's delicious though so Nikki says they should open a bakery together selling Stacy's "pakes." Stacy asks Jane for $10,000 in start-up money but when Jane wants to see her business plan, Stacy gets offended. Later they make up and Jane apologizes for being unsupportive. Stacy says she overreacted. Plus, Stacy talked to Luke and he's installing her a convection oven so she can run her business from home. It turns out when Jane turned him down to live in the place, he bought the building and got permission from Stacy to come and go as he pleases, much to Jane's chagrin.In the night's main storyline, Jane and Grayson take on the case of a millionaire teen who runs a video game company. He wants to sue his own dad to be able to attend a conference in Buenos Aires. Because he's a minor he needs his dad's permission and he won't give it. Jane and Grayson meet with the dad who it turns out is an LAPD detective and single father who is adamant about his son not leaving the country. The son then wants to sue for emancipation. Jane is against this idea since the dad seems like an otherwise good guy and the teen seems petulant but she is his lawyer so she goes ahead with it.In the course of her research she discovers that the young man in fact is a missing person. It turns out he was the son of a drug addicts who abandoned him at a crime scene. The detective picked him up and took him home, filed paperwork with child services and waited. Nothing ever happened so he raised the boy as his own. He knew it was wrong but he knew the alternatives were grim.Now child services wants to place the boy and his younger sister in the system and he is wracked with guilt because he realizes if he hadn't filed for emancipaton this wouldn't have happened. Jane represents the father in court. In the coure of her research she finds the boy's birth mother who says she can't take care of him. She wants to know how she can help her son. Jane gently suggests that the possibility exists that the woman asked the detective to take her son. The mother seems willing to go along with this until the cops show up and arrest Jane for witness tampering. Owen bails her out and kindly does not judge her saying he knows the world isn't black and white. The teen pays off his mother to go away. And Jane successfully argues that since the father has been uncharged and unprosecuted for 15 years after many people knew what he was doing the statute of limitations has run out. His fellow cops all literally stand up for him and he is exonerated. The birth mom comes back to make sure that he's happy and loved. She returns the check saying she thought it was what she wanted but it isn't.Grayson proposes a victory celebration where he and Deb used to hang out, just another sign that he's getting closer to connecting the dots. When Jane shows up at the bar, Luke warns her that Grayson can't know and if she tells him, something bad will happen to him. He says Jane needs to put Deb and Grayson behind her and move on as Jane.Grayson asks the pianist in the bar to play "Unchained Melody" because it always made Deb cry, in an effort to unmask Jane. But Jane pretends she didn't like "Ghost" or "Unchained Melody." When Grayson goes to the bar Owen shows up saying Jane texted him. Luke took Jane's phone and did the deed. Grayson turns and sees Owen and is disappointed. Owen congratulates her on her victory and court and wonder why she is crying. She says it's the song. více |
3. | Freak Show | "Drop Dead Diva" - "Freak Show" - June 17, 2012Stacy and Nikki (Kim Kardashian) come to the office to talk to Grayson about their "pake" business and run into Jane, who asks where they're getting the start-up money. Stacy says she's using all of her savings for half and Nikki's putting up the other half and that they came to Grayson for advice because Jane wasn't supportive. Jane, who has since apologized, says she understands. But when Grayson later uncovers Nikki has an outstanding arrest warrant and a record and several aliases Jane can't keep mum. But when she goes home to tell Stacy, she runs into Nikki, who threatens her. Later an angry Stacy confronts Jane saying Nikki has an arrest warrant because she was speeding away from an abusive relationship, which is also the reason she has aliases. Jane again apologizes but it turns out that she was right: Nikki absconds with Stacy's savings. Jane promises that she will invest in Stacy's company and help her with a business plan.Teri comes to Jane with a new client. An older woman (Patty Duke), was let go from a big box superstore from tackling a customer who was stealing a carton of printer cartridges. The company said it fired her for violating its "non confrontation" clause when it comes to robbery but the woman thinks she's just being screwed out of her pension. She seems perfectly reasonable so Jane looks into it. She discovers the woman has been badmouthing the store's branded products to customers and was cited many times for this so the company actually has cause. But then she tells Jane she only tells customers the truth about the products, that they're not as good as the claim on the front of the box says that they are "as good as the leading national brand." She says she was given to this truth-telling after she was in a car accident with her sister. Her sister died and she feels like her sister's spirit is in her now and she must tell the truth on her behalf. Jane, inspired by what she thinks is another person like her, decides to refile the woman's case as a "whistle blower" case, saying the woman is actually trying to help customers. In court she has the judge (Valerie Harper) try the company's chocolate chip cookies in a taste test against the national brand. The national brand is a clear winner. The company's CEO and lawyer counter that as the products are 30% cheaper the public knows not to believe the "puffery" on the box. It seems like a setback but when Teri discovers that the car accident that the woman and her sister were in was caused by the company's faulty brakes in a company car serviced by the company, Jane hits a slam dunk in court, proving that indeed they were not as good as the leading national brand. The company gives the woman her pension and a cash settlement and the authorities are looking into it. The woman is thrilled. Jane is also thrilled that she has a kindred spirit until Luke brings her the woman's medical files. It turns out her personality changed after the accident not because her sister's spirit entered her but because she had a brain trauma that altered her internal filter. Jane is sad but tells Luke she's happy and focusing on her life as Jane.Kim takes on the divorce case of Owen's sister Olivia. She signed a pre-nup that only gives her $10,000 unless her husband cheats. She's going to argue that he has cheated with Eve, the Siri-like app he created for his software company. She supported him through the lean times and he became so work-obsessed with Eve that they haven't had sex in a year so she feels like she's been cheated on and is angry that he now wants to dump her as the money is about to roll in. It's an unconventional case but Kim and Parker win it on the basis that Olivia's husband used her essence to create Eve-- giving her Olivia's birthday, level of education and other characteristics--without her permission and therefore she deserves some of the profits. She will be getting half and is thrilled. Kim and Parker celebrate by going to have a drink.In a sidebar to the case, it turns out that Olivia hates Jane but Jane can't remember why. Teri does a search and can't come up with any commonalities between them. Jane asks Owen to invite Olivia over for dinner. When she arrives and Jane announces they're having Indian food, Olivia stalks out. Jane runs after her and gets the story out of her. Apparently, in high school they all competed at a model U.N. competition. Olivia's good friend had a crush on Jane and they ended up dating and having a flirtation. When he came to surprise her at college on her birthday freshman year he walked in on her having sex with her RA and he was heartbroken so Olivia has hated Jane ever since. (In the model U.N. Jane was India, thus Olivia was offended by Jane's offer of Indian food.) Jane apologizes profusely and says she really hopes they can put it behind them because she loves Olivia's brother and wants to be friends. Owen overhears this and comes over and gives her a big kiss and says he loves her too and teases her that she said it first. více |
4. | Winning Ugly | "Drop Dead Diva" - "Winning Ugly" - June 24, 2012Grayson and Owen compete in a lawyers vs. judges basketball game, very competitively with Owen winning, when Jane gets a call on a case.Kim and Jane take the case of a man who is suing a doctor and a makeover reality show called "Ugly Duckling." His wife Renee was going to go on the show and was very excited to be "pretty" so she could be in her family's photos. But the day before her plastic surgery for the show the doctor told her she was "too ugly" to be helped. The show's lawyer says the doctor isn't liable but is willing to settle. The offer is insulting and they go to trial.A jury consultant, hired by Luke, shows up to help Jane. Jane cross-examines the doctor who admits he told Renee she was too ugly for the show and the jury consultant explains the breakdown of who is for, against, and undecided. They need 9 jurors so they have to convince the six undecideds. The consultant suggests Jane tone down her "runway model" style.Back in the courtroom, Jane tries to tone it down while she cross-examines her husband who explains Renee had a tough childhood because she was "ugly" and had very poor self-esteem. When questioned by the other lawyer the husband says he thought Renee was beautiful but admits to a one-night affair. The lawyer says maybe it was his affair that drove her to suicide. The jury consultant says the jury has turned and they don't need a consultant, they need a miracle worker.Jane goes to Luke and says she knows the jury consultant isn't about the case but getting her to lose her Deb-like style. Luke is playing with his new toy a remote-controlled helicopter that has a spy camera in it.Jane goes to talk to Grayson about her case. He's shooting office baskets like a champ. Turns out he threw the game because they have to appear in front of the judges so there's no upside to winnning. Jane gets emotional talking about her case and how Grayson wouldn't understand because he's never had to struggle with his appearance and could get any girl he wanted. He says not any girl. Jane leaves near tears.Back in court, Kim takes over to help work on an undecided juror who seems sweet on her. She questions Renee's doctor who says she was in good spirits. Opposing counsel points out she was on anti-depressants and asks for a directed verdict. The judge says he's inclined to go that way if Jane can't come up with a more compelling case.When she returns to the office, Owen has se up a lovely, romantic lunch to boost her spirits. He crows about besting Grayson in the basketball game. She lets the cat out of the bag that the lawyers let them win. Owen asks Jane if she and Grayson ever dated. She says no. He doesn't believe her. She swears that Jane Bingum has never dated Grayson Kent.Jane watches Renee's tape for the show and tries to figure out how to help. Kim comes to her with an idea.She's figured out that the show dropped Renee not because she was too ugly but because her procedures wouldn't have been done in time for the airdate. The opposing counsel wonders what it has to do with wrongful death. Kim says it doesn't, they're changing their complaint to breach of implied covenant of fair dealing. They get the motion for directed verdict denied. The juror who is infatuated with Kim gets in the elevator with Jane and Kim and says they're going to win. Jane tells Kim it's grounds for a mistrial but Kim says not if they keep their mouths shut. They fight about doing the right thing, with Jane of course wanting to tell. Then opposing counsel shows up with a new settlement offer that is much higher. Kim tries to convince the husband to go for more money and Jane says Kim is probably right but obviously is less convinced.The husband rejects the offer. The judge calls them in and confronts them with video of the juror talking to Kim and Jane in the elevator. He questioned the juror who says he was only trying to impress Kim. The judge replaces the juror with an alternate and says he will decide on whether he disbars Kim and Jane after the trial is over.Jane does her closing arguments by talking about her own style of acting like she's a runway model even though people judge her for not looking like one. She explains how the doctor violated an implied contract between a woman looking to feel beautiful and a man looking to make a buck.The verdict comes back in and Jane and Kim win big.The judge calls Kim and Jane and Parker into his chambers. The judge makes Parker donate their portion of the judgement to the Bar Association's charity or he will disbar Kim and Jane.Luke confronts Jane and says this case was never about her, at least it wasn't about Deb who would've thought this case was silly. Jane says she is Deb and she didn't think the case was silly. Luke shows Jane her family photo and asks who isn't in it. Jane realizes it's Jane. Luke says Jane wasn't in a lot of her family photos, unlike Deb who never met a camera she didn't like. He hopes Jane can win and keep the money the next time since the firm needs it.Parker's son Eric shows up unexpectedly, all by himself and asks if he can all him dad, Parker says yes. His mom doesn't know he's there so Parker has her called and has him come into his office on his case. Parker is working on an arbitration between two women. One claims the other "ran off" with her husband Trent. The twist is Trent died six months ago and the woman believes her husband was reincarnated as a rat. The other woman took the rat.It turns out the rat was born the day Trent died. Like Trent the rat doesn't like peanut butter-- which most rats do-- and it has a similar birthmark. Trent's widow found a flirty email between Trent and the other woman-- an employee of their pet store-- and she admitted that she and Trent were in love and she ran off with the rat.Eric's mom shows up livid.Eric apologizes and wants to stay with Parker and work on the rat arbitration, claiming he wants to be a lawyer when he grows up.Back in the room with the two rat ladies and they argue over who Trent loved more. The mistress produces letters and the widow produces her marriage license. The mistress says she'd treat him well and the wife says she'd feed him to a rat. Eric doesn't like that.Parker and his baby mama talk. She is about to go to Toronto for a temp job. She says she's confused because first he yelled at her and then he tried to pay her off to go away and then he went looking for her in Chicago. He says he wants to be part of Eric's life.Parker stipulates that the rat is just a rat and not a man then his wife gets the rat. She's about to feed it to the snake when Parker realizes that the wife is just killing it to get back at the mistress because she believes it's Trent. Parker stops her and says no matter what they believe, Trent didnt treat either of them with the love and respect they deserved and he wasn't there for them and was selfish and needed to grow up-- he's also describing himself to his baby mama and Eric who are in the room-- and he should've apologized but instead he was a rat.The women give the rat to Eric.Eric's mother asks Parker to care for him while she's in Canada, he's excited to do it.Stacy has a "pakery" emergency and Jane and Teri go to help. The place is in a state of disarray and she's opening the next day and Jane presses Teri into helping her get the place together. She bribes her by saying she'll help if she can play her guitar at the opening. Teri comes to do a soundcheck and just that. Stacy comes to complain that Teri isn't helping. Five hours before the opening Teri shows up with her team to help Stacy. They whip the place into shape. Everyone shows up for the opening and it's a big success.Since he found he threw the game Owen challenges Grayson to a rematch right now, in their suits, at the gym down the street. They go at it.Back at the pakery Teri sings her tune. She's not terrible. She sings a song about pakes.Jane takes off to the gym where Grayson is schooling Owen. Owen leans in to Grayson and says "you won the game but I think we both know who's winning here." He then goes and kisses Jane and they leave. více |
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